The fraudulent HF Group still continues to post losses despite auctioning houses for Non-Performing Loans.
Their stated 97 million loss is still grossly understating their true loss position as loan loss provisioning figures are being cooked.
Group CEO Robert Kibaara has hatched a new fraud scheme to take advantage of their auctioning drive. The valuers of these homes are overvaluing the property to buyers and they split the difference with Kibaara and his goons.
You would think Kibaara would have learnt from Ireri’s downfall due to his malfeasance yet the corruption continues.

There was a massive sacking of almost the entire Executive Committee (EXCO) decision making body for corruption and poor job performance. The following were the casualties.
Frank Ireri – Group MD
Samuel Mwaniki Waweru – HFC Bank M.D.
Caroline Armstrong – Director of Special Projects
Patrick Mokaya – Director of Business Development
Peter Ng’ang’a – Director Treasury
James Karanja – Executive Director HFDI
Ben Lanya – GM Human Resource
Francis Theuri – GM Branch Business
Constantine Baraza- Director Finance HFC
Despite this purge, some well connected filth like Chief Operating Officer George Njuguna have managed to hang on and even amass even more power.
George has powerful connections to the Kenyatta family and the thief Chris Kirubi thus deems himself an untouchable.
This enables him to operate with impunity and have a lazybones persona as he comes late to the office, disappears from his desk for hours on end as his subordinates toil all day.
A sadistic hypocrite who pretends to be supportive of people yet backstabs and gossips about others behind their backs.
One wonders how this 35 year old fat,spoilt rich kid took up a senior role while so young and was Head of ICT at Commercial Bank of Africa (a Kenyatta tier one bank) in his early thirties before joining HF Group;of course not by merit but dubious connections.

The former GM of Human Resources the pervert Ben Lanya, came to learn the lesson of ‘what goes round comes around’ and ‘people who live in glass houses should not throw stones’.
Lanya alongside his former subordinate the drunkard HR Manager Raymond Mwangi, were notorious for digging up dirt on employees and arranging kangaroo court disciplinary action committees where the decision of sacking was a foregone conclusion even before the committees had been convened.
He operated with blatant impunity forgetting that his womanizing perversions could prove to be his Achiles heel and would be used against him.
He was eventually exposed with explicit sex tapes and sacked as he was found guilty of seeking sexual favours from female staff so that he can give them promotions, remove them from the punitive performance improvement plans, approve for them staff loans or transfer them to better roles or branches. Divine justice for an arrogant pervert.

Ben Lanya’s junior HR Manager Raymond Mwangi is an evil personality by nature. A drunk and a chain smoker, his eyes are reddened with intoxication. He once came to the office with wounds from a bar fight and is known for being rude, cruel, malicious and derives sadistic pleasure from humiliating employees.