A magistrate at the Makadara Law Courts and police officers from the Kasarani Police Station seems to have been compromised to silence a business lady.
Information reaching cnyakundi.com indicates that Mary Wangari Mwangi, the owner of Double M, trading as Two M Autotech (Kenya) Limited and Express Connections Limited is a rogue woman.
According to sources she approached a lady seeking a partnership to open a petrol station business but later turned down the lady after getting the lady’s Sh5.5. million.
Kasarani Police Station
Ms Lydia Mukami Nyambura spent over 4 months in remand after Mary Wangari colluded with detectives from Kasarani Police Station to write a fake charge sheet over trumped-up charges.
She’s been living in fear for her life and now requests the Chief Justice, Director of Public Prosecution, the Directorate of Criminal Investigations and any human rights organization to make things straight.
All she is asking for is a fair trial, fair hearing and fair judicial / police administration adhering to the rule of law, devoid of sideshows, intimidation, and additional fabricated/fake cases.

On 25/3/2019, Lydia Mukami Nyambura left a hotel in Ruiru after taking breakfast, she found her car surrounded by over 10 armed men.
The men identified themselves as coming from DCI Kasarani.
Among them, the investigating officers were Sergent Musyimi and Ambrose Gichane who only identified themselves via word of mouth since they did not produce any badges, they badly beat Ms Mukami, and wanted her to leave her car KCM536P on the road which she refused, the DCI officers refused to pass through Ruiru Police Station but directly took her to Kasarani. She spent the whole day and night in the cells without being booked, and only booked on the 26th.
Her charge sheet read that she had obtained money by false pretence from Double M, but would later be changed numerous times as per the wish of Mary Wangari Mwangi.

Having been arrested in Ruiru, instead of booking her there, she was taken to Kasarani Police Station where she spent 4 days from around 25th – 28th, which is against the constitution.
She was also beaten.
The police bragged that ‘we shall keep you here as long as we want’ and “stop telling us that double m owes you, do we look like debt collectors?”
She protested, but they forced her to sign a statement that she was not allowed to read and was presented in court with a dateless charge sheet and was remanded for two weeks at the Langata Women’s Prison.
The magistrate and prosecution were well in the pocket of Mary Wangari Mwangi and didn’t raise an issue with a dateless charge sheet.
Makadara Law Courts
The case has been dragging at the Makadara Law courts since 2019 because of the influence the Double M lady (Mary Wangari Mwangi) has over court officials.
According to sources, she has pocketed the Makadara Law Court (twice) and police officers at the Kasarani police.
Any lawyer Ms Lydia Mukami hires is threatened with death or bought by Mary Mwangi,
She has decided to represent herself in the court case where her Sh2.5 million of the Sh5.5 million she gave Mary is still not refunded.
At Makadara, Lydia noticed that her charge sheet kept reading differently and at one time approached the prosecutor to find out what was happening. She was chased away angrily. That’s when her guts told her something was not right.
She lodged a complaint and demanded the magistrate to recuse himself from presiding over the matter who luckily transferred to Milimani Law Courts, but before heading to the transfer, the magistrate chose only her file among the other cases and handed it to another magistrate. Mark you, the other cases in that particular court fell to an ‘unchosen’ magistrate.
Why was it so?
One answer, the gang was so smooth in their operation and had to select which magistrate to work with.

The case interference
The new magistrate seemed neutral and demanded Double M to agree to be cross-examined since she kept threatening Ms Mukami and refusing to answer questions forcing several adjournments. Interestingly, on 17/11/22 the court seems to have shifted “base”
The major instance that the magistrate who has not finished listening to double m and all the 7 witnesses in that case has allowed
a new case to be lodged with different connotations against Ms Mukami and keeps telling her that she will explain herself during defence which clearly shows the violation of the presumption of innocence until proven guilty; hers is not the case.
When the accused Lydia Mukami asked to cross-examine Mary; Mary often responded rudely to the court,’ si wewe unajua kila kitu’, she gets away with such and no one at the court holds her accountable.
The magistrate too cannot compel her to answer.
This is biased and a witch-hunt and it seems they are fixing Ms Lydia Mukami with fresh forgery charges by the same DCI Kasarani even when the ongoing case is not concluded.
Mary Wangari claimed that the Sh5.5 million agreement which they made at her office and she herself took to a lawyer for commissioning and gave a copy to Ms Mukami is fake, but no one at the court asks her to produce the original, if, as she claims, and the court without verifying believes, the copy Ms Lydia Mukami has is fake.
They let her go away with rumours, sideshows and innuendos, always bringing long unsupported narrations and Mukami and her co-accused are not given enough time and are only reminded that they are not lawyers and they will have time during defence (it seems the court has already concluded they have a case to answer).

It seems like the case is already decided that Ms Lydia Mukami stole money, yet it is her money that she loaned to Mary Wangari who even declared to her bank that she was paying Mukamis debt when she transferred Ksh 2.98m and Ms Mary Wangari wants to get away with theft.
It all comes to light when Ms Mary Wangari and the rogue officers from Kasarani Police Station kept forcing Mukami to go open a caveat/ caution on her land in 2019 since they kept telling her that Mary wanted to buy led by a DCI officer Sergent Musyimi eyeing Ms Lydia Mukami’s land in Ruiru.
Her vehicle is detained at Kasarani since 2017, it has been vandalized and the Magistrate has refused to give orders to release it.
Ms Mukami’s family continue to get various threats, the DCI used to intimidate her children by calling that they should advise the mother to lift the caveat. Mary herself used to call the children, threatening them that she wanted their house, she already took the car and will make sure the mother will rot and die in jail. Recently while leaving court, a lady seen in the company of double m threatened Mukami and her co-accused’s friend that they were headed straight to jail otherwise face death. Mukami is greatly in fear for her life and her freedom.
The case has been delayed and just restarted recently in June 2022
Request to Chief Justice Martha Koome
As public defenders, we request that the CJ Martha Koome reallocates the matter/case to a neutral magistrate and if possible move the file to a different court; allow the matter to be televised since the officers
handling the case appears compromised.
Secondly, DPP Noordin Haji, DCI Amin Mohamed and Inspector General of Police Japheth Koome should restrain their officers. The officers should desist from interfering with the case, fabricating new charges within and from an ongoing case which is illegal and unconstitutional and let her have a fair trial where Ms Mary Wangari is asked to produce the agreement made at her office by herself and Mukami bearing their IDs, company documents and respectively signed by both of them which she is the one that took for commissioning to a lawyer and gave Mukami a stamped copy by Karanja Kagiri advocates – Thika. The agreement shows she stole no money, she’s being intimidated for no reason.
The police officers are conmen.
Thirdly, Kasarani police station should be held liable and stop fabricating more cases until an ongoing case is fully heard and determined.
Fourthly, Kasarani Police officers in the case and the prosecutors must be investigated. Their bank accounts and MPESA messages checked. Incidences of bribery will be established.

Lastly, we request that a human rights organization such as Kenya National Human Rights Commission, Kenya Human Rights Commission, HAKI Africa, etc provide a lawyer to help her in this case.
There are so many human rights violations here. Where is her right to fair hearing? Right to be produced in court within 24 hours? Can you imagine, Ms Mukami had just collected her clothes from dry cleaners and 4 years down the line, DCI Kasarani cannot allow her to pick them from the car which is being held “as a proceed of crime”! In fact, she only got her bedroom keys by court order from DCI Ambrose Gichane after 4 months in remand who had refused to give her kids.
Mary Wangari Mwangi is used to and known for such intimidation, harassment and theft even by her own workers within her transport companies.
Some officers at Kasarani Police Station who asked for anonymity have refused to be allocated anything to do with the case since they know how she operates and one-handed back for reallocation because he refused to commit an injustice