Erdemann Property Limited built a vast ugly concrete jungle in Athi River along Mombasa road to attract Nairobi residents who seek to buy and live in their houses.
The place is full of concrete and mortar. No gardens exists despite the name gardens in the title of the estate.
The other major disturbing issue is the lack of water for those who have bought apartments that boast of being affordable.
How affordable is a Ksh5 Million apartment that one is sharing with countless others?
The Chinaman Zeyun Yang, the MD of Erdemann Property Limited claims that the houses have enough water due to a borehole in the compound, but what residents have shared on social media speaks differently.
Billions of shillings have sunk into the so-called affordable yet water is nonexistent? How comes?
Instead of dealing with the issue of water, the company is diverting the residents attention by going to war with polluter-in-chief London Distillers Limited (LDK), the spirits and alcohol manufacturer.
Also Read: Petty Wars: Erdemann Property Ltd Vs London Distillers And NEMA
They use LDK as a scape goat for all the ills that the residents are facing at GreatWall Gardens estate.
Water is an expensive commodity at GreatWall Gardens. Some residents pay over 18k for water per month.
How affordable?
Here are some posts by the residents pointing to the issue of water at the GreatWall Gardens
Water from a tap in Greatwall gardens athi river pic.twitter.com/Q7u3LM2MPB
— GLORIA (@1618c1d257aa46d) October 7, 2019