Long after the dust has settled, the man who will be counting his losses will be none other than Frank Ireri. As the old saying goes, “if you sleep with dogs, you’re going to get fleas” which is the situation that Mr. ireri has gotten himself unto.
Personally speaking, I joined social media and started blogging because of financial fraudsters like Frank Ireri, who use poor Kenyans monies to benefit themselves. These are worse criminals that should be in detention centers, cooling their feet.
Housing Finance describes itself as the Premier Property Company in Kenya that was established in 1965 to promote thrift and home ownership. They further claim that they advance loans to Kenyans to purchase and construct thousands of housing units spread all over the country.
From a humble beginning, Frank Ireri is known to be a very ambitious man, a wannabe billionaire who will do anything to make a Kill. Every tender must have a commission that goes to him.
After graduating in 1985 from University of Nairobi with a Bachelor’s degree in Accounting, he joined Deloitte and trained as an Auditor and became a Certified Public Accountant. He was head-hunted to join Housing Finance in 2006.
Frank Ireri signed off an illegal tranche of loans totaling Kshs. 660 Million to companies associated with Peter Munga, who introduced him to the world of corporate fraud.Peter Munga doubles up as Equity Bank Chairman. You will all remember that Munga fraudulently acquired the Pioneer School from a borrower at Equity Bank, who was unable to pay his debt. Munga recently acquired Imani School at Del Monte Estate. Anyone linked to Peter Munga is a Fraud.
Munga’s greed is legendary, and Karma recently got the better of him, after his only son committed suicide by jumping out of the balcony of Black Diamond Club in Westlands, plunging to his death.Despite the death of his son, Peter Munga continues to loot with impunity, as if he wants to spread his curse to the rest of his children and grandchildren.
Peter Munga: His name featured in the Housing Finance 2 Billion IT procurement saga
Despite the many scandals and deafening silence from the Central Bank of Kenya Governor, Frank Ireri, Just like Former Family Bank MD Peter Munyiri, will have his day in court for insider lending to friends, Relative, cronies, Cooking books and masterminding the biggest IT Procurement Saga in Housing Finance.
In the end, Frank Ireri will be left alone, as many officials that orchestrated these scandals with him will flee because the heat is around the corner. We know of many examples, dating back to the days of powerful Indian businesspeople like Kamlesh Pattni and Ketan Somaia, who fell from favor and prisons became their second homes.
All the institutions Frank Ireri has bribed ( Including CBK ) will be forced to probe and probably send him to jail because of pressure from Kenyans. Now that he has nobody to save him, Frank Ireri is a man under siege.
And while Frank Ireri claims to be a born-again Christian, his actions betray him. You would have expected that by now, following the bad publicity and PR that he has endured, his handlers would have advised him to resign to save the Collapsing Housing Finance from all these Scandals because he has overstayed at the institution since 2006.
But staying true to form, Frank Ireri claims to be battle-hardened and has vowed to ensure that he will fight and emerge victorious, even when the odds are against him.
I will be unrelenting in my quest to expose shoddy underhand tactics by Criminals like Frank Ireri.