In our ongoing series, Slavery in Kenya, where firms have taken upon themselves to bribe the Trade Unions, Labour Ministry, Department of Immigration and the Directorate of Criminal Investigation (DCI) so that they can get away with inhuman treatment of Kenyans, we have been highlighting one rogue Sanjay from Asia and his Kenyan henchmen.
They run the slave factory by the name Blowplast Limited. A proper slave steamship sailing to the Americas in 1619. For it’s been proven time and again that, For Kenyans working with Indians, It is 1619 everyday.
The chief editor of this site received information that staff are mistreated and treated like slaves, without rights whatsoever. The latest information is that one who was injured in the course of duty, has been dumped by the company. Left to rot without medical help.
One of the things that this site highlighted about Blowplast, and which is very serious, was the flouting of the law on Health and Safety at the workplace.
This site will not rest until there’s a revolution that sweeps the slave-masters; and until they change their ways and start treating staff with dignity, this site shall expose their wicked ways, FOR ACTION!
Kenyan workers, please wake up. Bypass Atwoli and the ministry of Labour.
You have been given the rights to peacefully demonstrate, picket, assemble, petition and this you must do in order to change your circumstances.
Cnyakundi.com only highlights and makes them available for other investigative authorities to take action; however, in a corruption-laden country, it is you to take action according to article 37 of the constitution of Kenya.
You are the ones you’ve been waiting for.
Even as Dedan Kimathi reminds us that, ‘it is better to die on our feet than to live on our knees’.
I say, ‘what does it profit a man to toil under despicable conditions for over 10 years without medical cover, and without severance package and then retire after 30 years of work only to die without leaving an inheritance to his kin/children/descendants?’
Wakenya muache ujinga, you need to think and act.
The vestiges of colonial legacy where we stereotype ourselves for slavery should end.
Information received
Three people got injured last night in Blowplast. One of them was injured because of lack of training because they need cheap labour. After getting injured they were paid nothing. The guy now is in hospital.