KENTRADE CEO Mr. Amos Wangora is trying to bribe detectives in order to stop probable arrest over many corruption scandals within KENTRADE.
CNYAKUNDI.COM had released a big dossier detailing how Mr. Wangora was engaging in corruption and impunity in shocking proportions.
In one case
Single Window System (SWS) Project was blacklisted by the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) as one of the projects which were procured through single-sourcing with the intention not to go into competitive bidding. World Bank which had initially committed funds for the Single Window System pulled out when KENTRADE insisted on single sourcing the system from a private company in Singapore called CrimsonLogic.
In the whole process, Mr. Alex Kabuga, the former CEO, was forced to step aside for investigation because there was no proper justification for single-sourcing and the Government of Kenya wasn’t given room to negotiate the cost of the software. Unfortunately, Mr. Alex Kabuga passed on before this matter could be investigated.
In this single-sourcing procurement process, neither Office of the Attorney General nor National Treasury was involved in the negotiation process. The cost of the project was inflated to Ksh. 1.1 Billion.
It has since remained a mystery as to why the office of DPP, EACC or DCI are mute despite mountains of evidence linking Wangora to corruption.
Has he managed in compromising all these institutions?
The Scandals were exclusively exposed by this blog. Read the whole expose hereunder