Kenya prides itself as a conservationist county, well, at least to the ones who read journals written by white people think that Kenya is such a country.
It is not.
Kenya is a broken system infested with crime and mafia bosses who have perfected the art of Public Relations to cheat the masses in all spheres of life.
No wonder, the Kenyan ambassador to Namibia, a Mr Hon Benjamin Langat did what is often hidden. As they say, siku ya wizi ni arobaine.
A photo of Mr Langat standing over a dead animal in Namibia with a gun in hand has invited condemnation from Kenyans. Many are calling for his sacking.
Many protested that Mr Langat should hold the ideals of his country, which doesn’t allow the killing of game animals.
Though Namibia allows game hunting, wanton killing of wild animals has been illegal in Kenya since 1977.
Can @ForeignOfficeKE recall this Ambassador? Apeing mzungu tabias of killing our beautiful animals for sport.
Unless it was food for the family?
— Jerotich Seii (@JerotichSeii) August 30, 2021
When you are a political appointee without knowledge of FS as other FSOs. Shameful!
— Neok™ 🖊️📚 (@kijomba1) August 30, 2021
Useless individual.
— MOgada (@m_ogada) August 30, 2021
Poaching and CONservation
Poaching is a major existential threat to numerous wild organisms worldwide and is an important contributor to biodiversity loss.
In the world of animal hunting sport, the whites lie that they control the populations of animals that have grown too large.
Before they came Africans or people who are not of European ancestry existed in harmony with animals and nature.
In their book, The Big Conservation Lie, John Mbaria and Mordecai Ogada expose the conservation lie in Kenya.
Integral to their research in the book is how the conservation policies are designed to exclude the local African communities that have coexisted with the biodiversity and particularly the wild animals for centuries
Govt officials also exploit their position to hunt and kill animals for profits.
There’s an elephant naming ceremony that is coming up on October 8th 2021 where the govt intends to make Sh100 million.
Respect for wildlife is paramount, hunting game for sport isn’t how wildlife resource should be utilised.
For this, the ambassador should be recalled.