The Governor
CBK, Nairobi
Dear Mr. Patrick Njoroge,
We all congratulate you on your extension in service for spearheading our country’s prestigious institution: Central Bank of Kenya.
We all are writing under the confidence reposed in your mandate, capability and will to respond to such grave violations of Kenyan statutes and banking practices: Its our humanitarian appeal to save us from discriminatory and derogatory HR practices at Habib Bank AG Zurich Kenya perpetrated by Noor Bagajo (Head HR) at the behest of Mohammed Ali Hussain (ex-CEO/Senior Advisor HBZ Kenya), Asim Basharullah (Acting CEO) and Arshad Mahmood (Area Manager).

Though ex-CEO has been bullying us since long through HR Head employing different tactics however on joining of acting CEO, all of them together have embarked upon a different level of terrorizing, intimidation, bullying and harassment. They all have unleashed an unprecedented vein of terror and bullying, hounding us through Noor Bagajo. Some of the manifestations are listed below and other are underway to jeopardise all of us and the bank:
1) Subjecting all the staff invariably to undue pressure and inhumane behaviour: ensuing termination threats so much so that clerical and non-clerical staff are being sacked without due legal process in contravention of banking practice.
2) Mi nimal human errors are being made premise to lever the disciplinary proceedings aimed at terminations from the first day. We have already complained to Labour Officer however to limited avail on specific issues.
3) Forcefully implementing group health insurance policy for in-patient services by deducting the premiums from our medical allowances limiting our outdoor medical coverage.
4) Perpetuating a highly discriminatory and non-competitive remuneration, appraisal and benefits’ policy tilted towards near and dear ones only; subjecting rest of the staff to minimum bare. The staff has to literally beg for their entitlements from the management.
5) Use of abusive and derogatory language has been at large in the bank. Infringing on the privacy of staff has been a norm by spying on them.
6) One branch has recently been closed and the staff was rendered redundant, however on our complaining again; the staff was absorbed in the bank.
In a nutshell, the discriminatory HR practices currently underway depict dismal and autocratic handling of the most important resource in the bank: human capital. We reiterate our appeal to your good-selves to take cognizance of grave mismanagement at the bank.
Would be grateful for your timely intervention before its too late and you need to put it under receivership like other banks which were subjected to various kinds of mismanagement.