An American man was on Monday arrested after he showed up to his son’s school whilst carrying a fully loaded AK-47 rifle ready to have a “talk” with a teacher who spoke rudely to his son.
According to a police report, the angry 27-year-old Christopher Freeman showed up at the Palm Beach County School District just a few minutes after 4 p.m claiming that a teacher had “slammed” his son.
The police report also added that during that same day at around 3:30 p.m in the afternoon, Freeman, while speaking to an assistant principal on phone, said “You are all dead”.
A school guard who greeted Freeman immediately he arrived in the school compound says he saw the handle of a large shotgun sticking out of his pants and he kept yelling “I want to see the guy who slammed my son. I’ve got something for him”.
The guard called for backup officers who soon arrived and on asking Freeman if they could search him, his answer was “You ain’t touching me”. More officers arrived and Freeman was finally searched and an AK-47 rifle recovered.
While being questioned, Freeman, in his defence, said that he received a FaceTime call from his son at around 3 p.m which was extremely odd being a school day. He said his son was crying and telling him that a teacher had “slammed” him and before the two could finish their conversation, an adult in the background snatched the kid’s phone, heavily triggering Mr. Freeman who then decided to pay the teacher a visit.
On his gun possession, Freeman said he bought the gun from a friend about a year ago and carried it for protection but forgot he had it on him and said he did not know weapons were not allowed on school property.
Although he kept insisting that he didn’t intend to harm anyone in the school, Freeman was arrested and charged with possession of a firearm on school grounds, aggravated assault with a weapon, and disrupting a school function. Records show that his bond was set at $75,000.