Beyond the use of NOC compromised system -cabal network to materially rip off state coffers, prototype Sodom and Gomorra run away moral corruption entrenched unchecked by the NOC Kingpin and COMPANY Representative –Francis Njuguna continuously, plagued the corporate system under blatant endorsement by the managing director –MaryJane Mwangi a.k.a “the Mob-boss” (and the full knowledge of human resource manager –Cecilia Kalungu the “primitive hunter” who chose to turn a blind eye instead of reigning on all sex pests/predators/cannibals irrespective of rank or file) to the extent that select innocent unsuspecting key E&P young female employees would be drafted/enlisted by the Kingpin to collaborate in advancing his uncultured beast like animalistic “alpha male” ego satisfaction of unfettered exclusive access to “comfort woman services –the kamikaze style”, the victims past/present/future relationships notwithstanding. The drafted young female employees fell captives to the unchained “pedophile” Kingpin –Francis Njuguna who demanded absolute compliance in order for the victims to keep their positions of employment with NOC, however the failure with time to guarantee exclusive “comfort woman services –the kamikaze style” in one case (by a lady -petroleum geophysicist) or in the second case involving (a lady petroleum engineer) total wholesale condemnation/rejection in entirety of the “pedophile” Kingpin –Francis Njuguna leaving him humiliated and pushed to save face by unleashing the prototype Caliphate NOC compromised -cabal system of human resource stage-managed interview, -a rigged process where the section immediate supervisors participations and professional opinions are discarded wholesale at the sole discretion (sick) of the “pedophile” Kingpin –Francis Njuguna while further whipping the incompetent/ignorant human resource manager –Cecilia Kalungu a.k.a “primitive hunter” to adopt and present a premeditated customized list branding as failures for exclusion -the target victims for the “pedophile” Kingpin –Francis Njuguna to present to managing director –MaryJane Mwangi a.k.a “Mob-boss” for the MURDER ascent/signature of de-regularization to the gratification of the “pedophile” Kingpin –Francis Njuguna as “equivocal” Pay-Back, Kamma and Cold Revenge, akin to condemnation of his victims.
The “pedophile” Kingpin –Francis Njuguna’s wrecking ball actions knows no boundaries as long as the managing director –MaryJane Mwangi the “Mob-boss” holds the reign at NOC. Much as the two (among many) Gov’t funded NOC led oil/gas masters’ graduates ladies careers seems dented at the moment following fabricated unceremonious charade dismissals from NOC predated by their aforementioned ordeal in the hands of would be mentors turned tormentors, their sacrifices was never in vain for they gained priceless new found freedom, soaring pride, human dignity and above all -together are living heroines, pedophile survivors, beacon of hope and inspiration spring to many more sex slaves captives (entrapped in morally corrupt NOC or any other corporate institution) not to let go of their unrelenting will to conquer the wicked whose triumphant are short-lived.

As highlighted in several instances before, NOC is a broken and free for all system where meritocracy is ostracized while bureaucracy is worshipped whatever the cost. Following the 2012 discovery of oil in Turkana Kenya, the Gov’t through the ministry of energy launched oil and gas capacity building and competency development funding at a cost circa Kenya shilling four hundred million through NOC to train about twenty geoscientist and engineers at masters’ level in university institutions abroad. Indeed the call by NOC for applications attracted overwhelming talents across the divide and notably the allure/promise of employment by NOC in the coveted nascent industry in Kenya upon graduating from masters’ studies motivated so many to then abandon their high remunerated (salaried jobs at prestigious firms with monthly pay as high as KES200,000.00 plus other employment benefit packages) and established careers taking the risk to start all new in hope that NOC would deliver their commitment to implement full time regularization at competitive (or better than their previous jobs’) remuneration package commensurate to industry standard practice of fair salary compensation for the masters’ level competency/capacity achievement.
As it turned out, the “pedophile” Kingpin –Francis Njuguna was hell bent right from the inception of this initiative to render it a failure. In verbatim and reality, he would relentlessly vouch for illogically unreasonable disruptive/risky/uncertain costly position of NOC seeking more Gov’t funds to train new lot of applicants from scratch at the expense of the universal wisdom propagating established continuity/productivity/certainty less costly –value driven approach of the corporation absorbing/regularizing the already trained candidates, utilizing their tax payers Gov’t funded acquired masters’ qualification and further nourishing/nurturing their skills through industry tailored on the job training while holding permanent responsibilities in NOC with the view to fully harness and domicile their potential for mid-long term service/value delivery to the country in complementing/supplementing over-dependence on much sorted after, expensive international oil & gas expatriates to near substitution/replacement with home-grown technical competent/capable skill sets and affordable talents to drive one of the myriad Gov’t 2030 development vision through safe and economic recovery of discovered oil/gas reserves for wealth creation.

The fate of the initial thirty four Gov’t funded NOC led oil/gas masters’ graduates have forever hanged in limbo since their engagement by NOC in 2013, being sustained only on dismal survival monthly stipend -a far cry and flagrant betrayal compared to all the invaluable sacrifices they had to give up in response to NOCs’ promise for greener pastures (upon graduating in 1-2 years marking end of phase one, seamlessly transitioning into phase two as key drivers –completing full cycle on the job professional training) of work at NOC.
(This aforementioned limbo lasted until end of 2018 when only 17 out of 34 trained oil/gas masters’ graduates were tranche-regularized on skewed/lope-sided remuneration upgrade or merely retained on pre-existing temporary contract-term dismal survival stipend; while the rest 17 were voluntarily or involuntarily eviscerated, sterilized, strained, dumped off the system through a barrage of horrible stage-managed scandalous ordeals chronicled herein).
On the contrary, the “pedophile” Kingpin –Francis Njuguna in cahoots with managing director –MaryJane Mwangi the “Mob-boss” and the human resource manager –Cecilia Kalungu the “primitive hunter” have solicited and surprisingly won the overwhelming support from strange quarters (would be NOC parastatal supervisor turned/converted crime accomplice to NOC cabal network racketeers) i.e. the ministry of energy and petroleum permanent secretary PS –Andrew Kamau a.k.a “kompromat -Yes Man”.

Collectively they collaborated in thwarting every effort driven by the NOC board or directors (BoD) aimed at engaging, regularizing, permanently employing within NOC all the remaining (others having been dismissed for pursuing overseas PhD externally funded studies –commendable noble course in supplementing Gov’t effort to further show up local capacity training initiative merely requiring NOC facilitation in granting unconditional study leave approval but NOC rogue regime chose to veto or blatantly refuse to comply and instead dismiss the candidates; some faced with oblique future quitted in solidarity with mates unfairly dismissed/mistreated by -caliphate like NOC regime; while some dared to take the risk exploring opportunities elsewhere with the angel they were yet to know rather than stick with the devil-NOC they already knew) trained oil/gas masters’ graduates offering them certainty and comfort of mind to settle down, fully take on the on-going new NOC led Gov’t funded field development planning (FDP) project undertaken by the renowned international oil/gas service provider company Schlumberger (SLB).
The FDP project costs above circa one million US dollars (excluding additional millions of US dollars’ worth of investment in relevant hardware/software requirements) but currently bedeviled in achieving competency and capacity development for NOC -the key driver to many other components of SLB’s scope of work on FDP contract with the Gov’t attributed to lack of productive engagement with target attendees affected my low morale exacerbated by oblique certainty of meaningful employment with NOC and further compounded by physical literal incarceration perpetrated on them unabated by the “pedophile” Kingpin –Francis Njuguna in cahoots with managing director –MaryJane Mwangi the “Mob-boss” and the human resource manager –Cecilia Kalungu the “primitive hunter” on myriad fronts ranging from outright flagrant expungement of the attendees names (against subject matter expert -SME guidance proposals in the Schlumberger FDP inception report on candidates competency/development needs) from participating in the specific individual or team defined geochemistry, geology, geophysics, engineering, law, economics oil/gas discipline roles of FDP project to the dismay/frustrations of both Schlumberger project expatriates and NOC in-house FDP consultant –Patrick Kiome.
Acting on mandate from NOC board of directors the NOC in-house FDP consultant –Patrick Kiome attempted in vain (venture damage-control mission to nowhere) pursuing proper redress/remediation/restitution (with managing director –MaryJane Mwangi the “Mob-boss” and the human resource manager –Cecilia Kalungu the “primitive hunter”) of the deplorable NOC self-inflicted negative effects on project progress emanating from unfortunate/uninformed/capital offence wrecking ball actions of the “pedophile” Kingpin –Francis Njuguna.
The “pedophile” Kingpin –Francis Njuguna, keen to satisfy personal ego (and conquest of the NOC board of directors onslaught) shrewdly enlisted the facilitation services of the human resources manager –Cecilia Kalungu the “primitive hunter” to appease the board of directors’ request through ruthless-lawless often predictable no brainer, bully mentality opined mechanism as aforementioned i.e. (retribution hinged on stage-managed interview, -a rigged process and customized failures for exclusion -the target victims for de-regularization, akin to condemnation of victims).
Recapping the myriad uncultured means through which the “pedophile” Kingpin –Francis Njuguna gamed the Caliphate like NOC system to ostracize the young team of trained oil/gas masters’ graduates totally hounding them off the costly NOC led Gov’t funded capacity development programme, he is mainly responsible for short-changing the blindly trusting tax payers not privy to cereal scripts (“behind the curtains -boardroom state institution deals”) perpetrated by entrusted turned rogue actor in cahoots with equally complicit enablers (managing director –MaryJane Mwangi the “Mob-boss” and the human resource manager –Cecilia Kalungu the “primitive hunter” including the ministry of energy and petroleum permanent secretary PS –Andrew Kamau a.k.a “kompromat -Yes Man”).
Single handedly, the “pedophile” Kingpin –Francis Njuguna cunningly/dubiously schemed and delivered an arduous insurmountable ego-bloated self-serving task as an end game (i.e. botched competency/capacity building phased initiative, sterilized/starved off key drivers –the Gov’t funded NOC led oil/gas masters’ graduates prior to completing full cycle on the job professional training) –akin to a baker’s cake which cannot be possessed and munched at the same time. The ensuing implication and glaring predicament which all state mandated stakeholders led by NOC board of directors must address instantly in light of the new information/indictment lies between the aforementioned SLB contract scope on competency/capacity development short-comings on trained oil/gas masters’ graduates attendees (embroiled in low quorum vs. high work load & limited diversity vs. broad spectrum disciplines) in contravention to baseline subject matter expert –SME professional recommendation as per FDP inception report on one hand and expedited remedial specific concrete steps (beyond good words, platitudes or rhetoric orders) –reinstating the unjustly dismissed trained oil/gas masters’ graduates for immediate employment with NOC at descent wages competitive to industry standards empowering them to re-engage, bolster, reinforce, reinvigorate in earnest with the commissioned SLB driven capacity/competency development FDP project for successful delivery. Finally there has to be stern-deterrent action beyond mere condemnation meted on the perpetrators led by “pedophile” Kingpin –Francis Njuguna assisted by the other three accomplice abating/aiding his course in defiling the system and its key assets –the people.
A subverted sneaky alternative approach has been equally applied with impunity as captured herein:
Employment of new inexperienced graduate candidates (hitherto on NOC E&P data centre –data entry internship leading to temporary renewable contract remunerated monthly at KES50,000.00) at the same remuneration grade (at KES120, 000.00 per month) comparable to the few first tier regularized trained oil/gas masters’ graduates on permanent contract with full benefits
While marginalizing other trained oil/gas masters’ graduates offering them employment on second tier remuneration (at KES90, 000.00 per month) below new graduate employees on permanent contract with full benefits
And more worse ostracizing other trained oil/gas masters’ graduates maintaining them on pre-existing temporary contractual-term third tier stipend (at KES67, 000.00 per month)
Additionally flagrantly dismissing other trained oil/gas masters’ graduates (retribution hinged on stage-managed interview, -a rigged process and customized failures for exclusion -the target victims for de-regularization, akin to condemnation of victims).
On a fast forward analogy, all the latching and patching motions above points again to zero sum game thus falling flat as lacking in strategy but richly disorienting thus illogically counterproductive given the altruism of there being no chance for new training budget and lead-time necessary to prepare the lucky preferred new candidates freshly employed (as substitutes or) vis-à-vis fully prepared for Now Work -trained oil/gas masters’ graduates ostracized at all levels (either through same level 1st tier grading; 2nd tier or 3rd tier grading including flagrant dismissal to the gratification of the “pedophile” Kingpin –Francis Njuguna as “equivocal” Pay-Back, Kamma and Cold Revenge, akin to condemnation of his victims) all gravitates to another landmark failure at tax payers Gov’t funded –NOC led attempt to deliver seamless local capacity building and competency development, thanks to unchecked moral and material corruption epitomized in incompetent leadership and flagrant abuse of office at NOC by the “pedophile” Kingpin –Francis Njuguna, entrusted turned rogue actor in cahoots with equally complicit enablers (managing director –MaryJane Mwangi the “Mob-boss” and the human resource manager –Cecilia Kalungu the “primitive hunter” including the ministry of energy and petroleum permanent secretary PS –Andrew Kamau a.k.a “kompromat -Yes Man”)
Detailed overview registers -various decimation x-rays snapshots showcasing Why myriad victims have been vanquished by rogue NOC system orchestrated by the “pedophile” Kingpin –Francis Njuguna, keen to satisfy personal ego (unleashing the prototype Caliphate like NOC compromised -cabal system) shrewdly and unapologetically in cahoots with equally complicit enablers:
Failure with time by female employees to guarantee the “pedophile” Kingpin –Francis Njuguna, exclusive “comfort woman services –the kamikaze style” in one case (by a lady -petroleum geophysicist) or in the second case involving (a lady petroleum engineer) total wholesale condemnation/rejection in entirety leading to their dismissal through a rigged interview process.
Others having been dismissed for pursuing overseas PhD externally funded studies –commendable noble course in supplementing Gov’t effort to further show up local capacity training initiative merely requiring NOC facilitation in granting unconditional study leave approval but NOC rogue regime chose to veto or blatantly refuse to comply and instead dismiss the candidates
Some faced with oblique future quitted (and opted for other alternative jobs) in solidarity with mates unfairly mistreated by -caliphate like NOC regime who backtracked on its own initial engagement contract promising regularization of the trained oil/gas masters’ graduates on study completion
While some dared to take the risk exploring opportunities elsewhere with the angel they were yet to know rather than stick with the devil-NOC they already knew in a nasty way
Sadly others chose to resign after being short-changed/overlooked in favor of the new inexperienced graduate candidates (hitherto on NOC E&P data centre – data entry internship leading to temporary renewable contract remunerated monthly at KES50,000.00) despite being fully prepared for Now Work –as trained oil/gas masters’ graduates but ostracized at all levels either through:
Same level grading –KES120,000.00 pm -as new graduate employees on permanent contract with full benefits;
Second tier grading –KES90,000.00 pm -below new graduate employees on permanent contract with full benefits;
Third tier grading –KES67,000.00 pm -way below new graduate employees and maintaining them on pre-existing temporary contractual-term stipend with no added benefit
The last group were discriminately profiled, literary hounded, treated like hard-core criminals culminating in stage-managed flagrant dismissal to the gratification of the “pedophile” Kingpin –Francis Njuguna as equivocal Pay-Back, Kamma and Cold Revenge, akin to condemnation of his victims based on vitriols, flimsy grounds and clandestine ruse
“Perceived wealthy family backgrounds –a priori condemnation/disqualification equivocating un-deserving of employment/benefit (sick) at NOC”
Summarised colossal tax payers Gov’t funded botched NOC led competency and capacity development at circa US dollars Seven million to-date itemized as follows:
Phase 1 –Overseas 1-2 years oil/gas masters’ graduates: Gov’t funded botched NOC led competency and capacity development project -Structure/budget in absolute US dollars | |||||
#No | Details | Status 2013-2014/15 | 2015/2016 -to present | Cost (USD) | |
1 | geosciences/engineering/law/economics | #34 graduates |
| 4,000,000.0 | |
2 |
| #17 axed graduates | (2,000,000.0) | |
Abs. Total: A (USD) | 6,000,000.0 | ||||
| |||||
Phase 2 –Field Development Planning (FDP): Gov’t funded botched NOC led competency and capacity development project -Structure/budget abs. USD -{Contract competitively awarded to intl. oil/gas service company Schlumberger –SLB} | |||||
#No | Details | Start 2018 – End 2019 | Cost (USD) | ||
1 | FDP including competency, capacity building scope initiative, -sterilized, starved off key drivers –the Gov’t funded NOC led oil/gas masters’ graduates prior to completing full cycle on the job professional training | (M USD) | |||
2 | Gov’t additional investment in FDP incl. competency, capacity building scope initiative relevant hardware/software requirements to-date | 1,000,000.0 | |||
Abs. Total: B (USD) | 1,000,000.0 | ||||
| |||||
Competency/capacity building ind. Gov’t Expensed Abs. Total: A + B (USD) | 7,000,000.0 |
As the aforementioned FDP project is grounded on varied strange grounds including alleged wage bill burden attributed to the fired oil/gas masters’ graduates prior to completing full cycle on the job professional training we herein cordially invite you to the next episode of NOC murky, shady pet projects clandestinely choreographed to abate further corruption in plain hind sight.

……….as the saying goes, the carnival-fiesta spree never stops at NOC as long as the wolves live to reign unchecked………………………
NOC Pet Projects prioritized for further money laundering at the expense of Tax payers:-
Balance score card east Africa limited awarded a dubious BSC contract to come and listen to NOC staff talk as she takes notes at a hooping KES 25,000,000.00 (over and above the procurement budget for the same at KES8, 000,000.00 -thanks to machinations by strategy officer advisor to the project (and heir apparent to the thrown) –Ken Kiumbe a.k.a “the heir apparent to the thrown” who had to deliver by all means necessary to the chagrin of the managing director –MaryJane Mwangi a.k.a. “Mob-boss”.
E&P Core lab design consultancy work awarded to a company called Tsavo for three months for a hooping KES19,000,000.00 -contrary to (hitherto existing and/or pre-aforementioned contract award), professional internal peer reviewed design proposal and construction budget at KES24,000,000.00. The reasoning behind the push for the project by the NOC Kingpin and COMPANY Representative to KEPTAP –Francis Njuguna was merely to have NOC rubber stamp the payment as the funds were to be paid by World Bank through KEPTAP.
KEPTAP a world bank funded competency development & capacity building is a programme funded for 6years beginning 2015 through to 2021 at a cost of USD50,000,000. or Kenya shillings five billion. Ideally its budget is approximately above KES 800,000,000 per year. Unfortunately, the fund managers have massively over the past three years of the projects prioritized bloated staff with big salaries, rampant and costly international trips tailor made for senior managers including influential individuals in strategic parastatals or government institutions at the expense of the masses and target group for competency and capacity development who are neglected despite being tasked to deliver key results to justify why KEPTAP should continue to access world bank funding.
For instance, it’s unconscionable that while the whole of NOC E&P staff are allocated an annual budget 2019 of KES10,000,000 to draft/present a list of areas for consideration for local training; Francis Njuguna (to attend short stints of executive MBA in Canada, India, Qatar, China dubbed choreographed globetrotting tour courtesy of KEPTAP) and MaryJane Mwangi (to attend short stints of executive MBA in Arizona USA dubbed choreographed globetrotting tour courtesy of KEPTAP) collectively have a budget between themselves of about KES42,000,000.
The NOC board of directors too are also not left to much behind as Francis Njuguna and MaryJane Mwangi will forever have them trated preferentially via KEPTAP funded trips in exchange for their complicity
Strategy officer advisor to the project (and heir apparent to the thrown) –Ken Kiumbe a.k.a “the heir apparent to the thrown” in cahoots with the NOC Kingpin and COMPANY Representative to KEPTAP –Francis Njuguna have been tasked with creating a shale contract dubbed transaction advisory for a farm-out/in partner in NOC operated block 14T Magadi Basin at a hooping Kenya shillings 25,000,000. This is another ploy to steal from Kenya’s coffers for you do not have to look further than Turkana-norther Kenya discovery fields with proven potential and yet have not spent such humongous sums on such activities
Further to the above, it’s unconscionable for the NOC Kingpin and COMPANY Representative to KEPTAP –Francis Njuguna to bulldoze for the sunset recall under dubious contract of an old granny Miss Florence Gaturu who currently doubles as a recipient on senior citizens pension programme of Kenya. Miss Florence served her time as a humble technician –thin section rock cutter in the NOC E&P laboratory until her honorable retirement in 2014. Unluckily she was retained through a skewed HR policy by being awarded a one year contract at the senior most managers scale (over & above all other qualified candidates in the department in their sunrise) apposition she never held throughout her NOC career. Surprisingly, her one year annual stint never elapsed and she has worn herself another life support via a shady NOC E&P Laboratory Consultant contract effective Jan 2019 for two year with a monthly remuneration of KES600, 000. Which will see her bag KES300, 000 while the NOC Kingpin and COMPANY Representative to KEPTAP –Francis Njuguna will humbly collect the balance.
The NOC managing director –MaryJane Mwangi a.k.a. “Mob-boss” never seem to be getting enough even after leaving wrecking ball trail of shameless looting. She unapologetically disappears the NOC Credit Card, handing it to her daughter to use as she pleases to do her shopping’s on demand …all for sure at the taxpayer’s burden.
Following the unearthed NOC scandal of fuel theft worth KES400,000,000 in KPA Mombasa and totaling KES1,700,000,000 in other similar clandestine fuel racketeering schemes in other contracts/affairs all over the country, the NOC managing director –MaryJane Mwangi a.k.a. “Mob-boss” unprofessionally and with impunity engaged expensively (KES19,000,000) the services of two more audit firms namely Geomatrix and KPMG to water down the initial Deloitte professional report paid for by tax payers money and further scape goat her own role in the scandals by mudslinging innocent staff.
The NOC Kingpin and COMPANY Representative to KEPTAP –Francis Njuguna organised a KES27, 000,000 globetrotting trip in 2018 and another shortly thereafter at KES21,000,000 (through Dubai, USA, Canada, and France) including key and influential staff allied to The NOC managing director –MaryJane Mwangi a.k.a. “Mob-boss”, NOC board of directors and some Ministry officials to conduct personal errands clandestinely canvased as head hunting for a NOC general manager (GM). The GM position has remained vacant from 2015 and the NOC BoD knows the NOC Kingpin and COMPANY Representative to KEPTAP –Francis Njuguna is incompetent to fill the position. There have been countless times the GM position has been advertised even attracting interest from high profile quarters (line the NOC Chairman a Mr. Kibi -fronting for his candidate and even the Canadian High Commission fronting for their aforementioned candidate to no avail). Any dream of a NOC GM to serve and thus impede the one-on-one relations between Francis Njuguna & MaryJane Mwangi is a pipe-dream thus even the Ministry will have to bow to the NOC wolves of the day and shelve their much preferred candidate a Mr. Brian Muriuki for the time being.
NOC further paid a KPC director, a Mr. Wahome a.k.a. “Elchapo Guzman” KES138, 000,000.00 for renovation contract services at the NOC South C headquarters. Indeed this too turned out to be just like the aforementioned pet projects with the cowboy contractor delivery shoddy work in terms of worst finishing’s everywhere you look except and only tidying up the NOC managing director –MaryJane Mwangi a.k.a. “Mob-boss” private executive wing akin to a palace whereas everywhere else is left in deplorable state and all the money gone.