On Thursday, an article written by Delfhin Mugo and published by the Nation Media Group was massively shared online.
The article, title ‘Cooperatives still the sure way for Kenyans to own homes‘, was also scanned and circulated in PDF form in the social media platforms mainly WhatsAPP in an attempt at painting Urithi Housing Sacco as the best in provision of housing in Kenya.
As you know so well, this Blog has been on the forefront of exposing corrupt management of Saccos.
We’ve written extensively, and we shall continue to write against corruption, looting and plunder in the Sacco sector.
Ours is only to have the best country where good governance, transparency and humanity reigns supreme.
Urithi Sacco is very corrupt and has not stopped their rotten ways since Sacco Societies Regulatory Authority (SASRA), flagged them down in 2015 for engaging in unlicensed deposit taking.
We’ve also written how SASRA itself engages in corruption that has embolden the Sacco sector mismanagement in Kenya.
READ: [EXPOSÉ] Urithi Housing Cooperative Society Accused Of Scamming People
READ: [EXPOSÉ] Corruption, Nepotism, Fraud At SASRA, KUSCCO & Department Of Cooperatives