The board of management of Nyali Primary School located along Links Road in Mombasa has urgently convene a much anticipated AGM, this after parents had vowed to disrupt the PP2 graduation and exercise their constitutional right of Picketing and Protesting and forcing the Corrupt Principal to the quit their school.
Mr. John Kombo who is currently working without a valid contract has refused to exit the school despite running out of contract was recently accused by a section of male workers for Sexually exploiting their female counterparts. Mr. Kombo remains unperturbed and has even sough assistance of Nyali Police to suppress and harass parents from ousting him. The man has fleeced the school millions of shillings over a period of 15 years in inflated costs of purchases, kickbacks from suppliers, bribes from parents, extorting workers of their earnings and many other deals that end up in extracting money from the school accounts.
The Auditor who was recalled at the end of November 2021 has concluded his report but is yet to table it to the whole board for endorsement, noted that the school cafeteria which feeds a section of students is the latest victim of yet another financial scandal. The School cafeteria has over many years attracted losses and at one AGM, parents called for its outsourcing. However, Mr. Kombo and his accomplices stood firm to oppose the idea as the canteen was a big source of their financial extortion. So many foodstuff get illegally removed from the food stores to unknown destinations. These foodstuff would be removed during weekends by Mr. Kombo personal assistance and would be seen by teachers who at times work over weekends. Mr. Kombo would even force the school Chef to cook for himself his household food without giving a single penny. Huyu Mzee ametumia hii shule vibaya sana.
On Thursday 24.02.2022 a meeting of board members was called to discuss the Audit report but only to be shocked on the huge losses incurred by the cafeteria. As usual, Mr. Kombo tried to explain and calm the situation but a heated debate ensued. It is believed, Kombo failed to convince the board members on the cause of the huge losses. It is said that the Vice chairman left the meeting citing being taken for a ride by Kombo with his routine sweet talking. It is not known how much was lost at the cafeteria as details of the Audit report has been kept a secret by Kombo who doesn’t want anyone to leak the information to parents.
Kombo knows that come the AGM, parents will bring a new board that will not tolerate any corruption. He has however, already started mobilizing his usual mischief of wanting to hand pick his own corrupt persons to impose them on parents. Kombo recently approached the chair of the outgoing Election committee whose mandate finished in December 2019, to come and preside over the hand picking but due to the toxic environment, the chair refused and even told parents that he will never be used again by the corrupt man. Kombo has also started calling parents pleading for his innocence and urging them to support him. His usual sweet talk theatrics and pretending to be a man of God has reached the end. Parents are just waiting to remove him from their school. They do not want a person who is stealing their monies, operating another school nearby and harassing teachers/staff who handle their children. Almost all staff are praying for his removal to enable them have a peaceful working environment. It is also said that Kombo has already arranged for some goons to disrupt the AGM, the same goons he used during SGM in 2019 to pretend to be parents supporting him. It has also been heard that, Kombo may also be contemplating to use one of the trustees (a retired Major) to preside over the election and assist him in endorsement of his wish-list persons to be in the board.
On their hand, parents are ready for any eventuality and the AGM might degenerate into a war zone if the retired major would interfere with the process of electing a new board or Kombo goons would come to disrupt the AGM.
On the protest during PP2 graduation, parents have now decided to postpone and move their war to AGM day to allow the young angels enjoy their big day without disturbing their peace. PP2 parents have also requested their fellow parents to consider their request. After deliberations and confirmation of the AGM, parents have now decided to combine their Energy for the AGM day. All parents of Nyali are urged to attend the AGM and bring in a board that would be have the heart of the school in their minds and that would bring the change that is required at Nyali. As it stands, days for the corrupt Nyali principal are decreasing and soon he shall exit the school.
Parents have suffered enough….
It is time for change.
Nyali Parents