Some four Congolese men were apprehended by the public after being seen to be running away from an apartment block – house yet to be identified.
Items and documents recovered from them showed dealings in “gold” – probably part of the scheming on the fake gold. They were handed over to the police at Muthangari police station.
Some Kenyans in a Porsche cayenne came promptly to hang around the OCS at Muthangari. The men were mysteriously missing from the holding cell hours after being handed to the police.

The men were never presented to court neither were they booked. They did not have any identification documents or permits of work and/or stay.
Did they bribe the officers at the station? Are they known to the police at this station? Are the police giving these criminals and illegal immigrants protection at the expense of the citizens?
Pictures of their notebook Hereunder
These are the Pics Of the Guys at the police station – OCS’ office
The crooks are hereunder
Keep here for more on this developing story because Nyakundi has all his eyes and ears everywhere!