Parents of Nyali School located along Links Road in the county of Mombasa County recorded their first major win in the war against Corruption and barbaric regime in the school after the giant, arrogant and very corrupt head teacher (Mr. John Kombo aka JK) reluctantly agreed to bow out. In a letter signed by the club Secretary, the board of Management has now confirmed that the contract between the club and the Nyali corrupt head teacher will stand terminated come 31st May, 2022. However, JK will be ONLY be on call for the next three months just in case he is needed to clarify things and ensure smooth transition.
This circular follows a previous one from the Club Trustees who advised club members that JK was set to leave the school immediately after the KCPE of March 2022. However, even after the KCPE was concluded, JK refused to vacate the school and instead kept chest-thumbing that he is not going anywhere. The situation remained a puzzle to many till a parent rushed to court to seek assistance. The parent challenged many aspects of the school management including financial misappropriation, attempt to Rig club election and the huge white elephant Mavueni Secondary Project. Already the Mavueni case has attracted the attention of some key government enforcement institutions as a lot of financial misappropriation was involved in a 50 Million stalled project.
Immediately again the parent through his advocate questioned the school management as to why JK hasn’t vacated the school despite a letter from Trustees confirming his exit. This created more tension in the board of management and it is here that one board member who is a critic to the corrupt practices of JK confronted JK in his office and blasted him for still keeping in office and further dividing the school fraternity. It is said that JK was blasted so much till he kneeled down seeking forgiveness from the board member. The next day, a meeting between the executive board member and JK was quickly convened. It is here where the club secretary correctly guided the executive board that JK has to quit immediately. JK and his corrupt buddies did not agree with the club secretary but after a heated debate, the club secretary stood firm that JK has to quit. JK and club treasurer pushed for at least 3 months to allow transition but the secretary of the club declined to come into consensus with the idea. Many believe, JK wants to remain for the next three months to await the Junior High School construction and get his kickbacks amounting to millions of shillings. Mzee anataka kula hata yeye. Many others believe that JK might use the three months to still convince the board to keep him.
On Monday 16th May 2022, a full board meeting was convened to discuss the issue of JK and construction of the Junior High School. It is said that a lady who headed the procurement docket in the current board before resigning pushed for JK to be awarded three extra months to allow for transition. While another gentleman who was tasked with the Junior High school project and promised huge Kickbacks in the deal pushed for six months for JK to finish the year. Ironically, both the persons were once very critical of JK and even assisted parents with ideas on how to tackle JK. Despite their push the club secretary stood firm and correctly guided the board that JK has to vacate immediately. He even reminded the board that JK continuance stay will jeopardize the court case by a parent. The idea of the club secretary was for JK to quit and thereafter the board invites the parents who went to court for an internal dispute resolution.
To the Junior high School where the combined two phases of the construction will cost the school 37 Million, the man bestowed with the project has gotten all required approvals and was set to get a go-ahead from the board to start phase I which was to cost the school 19.8 Million for 9 classes (an average of 2.2Million per class). The man bestowed with the project is very passionate and determined to start the project. The project was divided into two phases to allow the board of Management approve the phase I of the project as it is just below 20 Million mark that the mutilated club constitution allows. Again, the club secretary reminded the board that because the matter formed part of the agenda for the AGM which was stopped, it would be contempt of court if the board approves the project. The treasurer was very mad and vowed to ensure the 35 Million currently in the Nyali accounts will only have to be eaten by the current board at any cost. In the end, the board agreed to wait for the outcome of the court case hearing on 26th May, 2022 before making any decision on the project. With all these development, parents were keenly following what was being discussed and had already strategized to counter any attempt to construct the Junior high school through the back door. Any movement to start the project will be faced with dare consequences including physically stopping the project and use of other legal channels.
After the board meeting on Monday, Teaching and non-teaching staff were called for a meeting on Wednesday 18th May 2022, where they were informed of the departure of JK and his duties being taken over by his deputy. But because, the move was not what most board members wanted to see, they hinted of JK coming to school after 31st May, 2022 on half day basis for the next three months to allow transition. Despite the move of JK departure was warmly welcomed, many staff did want to see JK after 31st May 2022. Parents on their side promised to push for JK to vanish from school immediately after 31st May, 2022 and will never accept him to be seen in the school as kids will get confused on who the principal is.
Parents on their side got their confirmation of JK departure on Friday 20th May 2022 after the club secretary confirmed that JK’s contract will stand terminated come 31st May, 2022. He also stopped any attempt to allow JK coming to school on half day by saying that JK will only be on call for the next three months. Jubilations, cheers, excitement and relief-at-last ensued among parents with many thanking God for removing the corrupt head teacher in their school. With all those developments, JK is still working to see how will extend his stay beyond 31st May 2022. He first attempted to use some board members but failed. He even tried to use class 8 parents but faced some stiff resistance and now he has started to use some of grade 6 parents to push for his reinstatement inciting fear of change in them. Already, some stiff resistance is building. The man has not given up and rumors are that he still wants to use some few parents and add with outsiders to stage protest of his departure. At one point, parents heard that JK is planning to bring women from outside and pretend to be parents to protest and even strip naked while calling for his reinstated. The parents planned for DCI to be ready to arrest the ladies and find out who they are before arresting them for being imposters and causing mayhem in a learning institution. JK immediately stopped the plan.
In reality, JK finds it extremely difficult to vacate a premises that he has been using for over many years to extract money easily. For over a decade, JK has used the school as his ATM machine eating millions of shillings and conning parents with sweet words. Many believe, JK was always ready to use all legal and illegal means to post good results and use the results to instill hopes and fear among parents with candidates. Already he is preaching to some class 8 and Grade 6 parents that his exit will jeopardize their kid’s performance. But this time, his mischiefs have hit a dead end and many parents believe that their abled teachers will work extra hard to prove the corrupt guy wrong. As parents are celebrating the exit of JK, they have now started directing their energies towards removing the board of management. Already secret meetings are ongoing on how this corrupt board of management will be disbanded and an interim committee takes over. Many parents want the board to resign and allow a fresh beginning in School. At last, Nyali parents are seeing light of Ethics and Integrity at the end of a corrupt tunnel.
May God bless all those who fought in liberating the school from the hands of corrupt persons not missing to recognize the good works of our blogger Cyprian Nyakundi. Our blogger takes big credit for exposing the dirt that was in the school.