50 year old Jamleck Thuo Mwangi is a lucky man. The man who was just lack week fired from the plum position of head of procurement for a cash rich government parastatal, is sitting on top of a Ksh 1,602,000,000 billion fortune, divested in real estate, stocks and Sh 82,549,987 cash lying idle, spread in five bank accounts. And, he brags, he can’t walk around without at least Sh 1,000,000 in his car at any given moment.
Mwangi, the father of three children is a randy man. He used to work at UtalIi, heading the procurement department, but on the side, was also procuring sex from staff and students. His affair with Faith Makau from Store Keeping at Utalii College was an open secret, even though Mwangi’s wife Milcah Wangombe also worked at the same institution. When he joined New KCC, two months later, the two lovers, who have a ten year old daughter, were reunited, and Faith Makau was appointed to be the new head of packaging courtesy of the boyfriend at the New KCC Ltd.

Mwangi who currently drives a Virgo double cab KCG 023C is a greedy and corrupt man. When Mwangi was fired from Utalii College, it was for procurement irregularities. He then joined Kenya Power where he was also fired and a response letter to Kenya Network Against Corruption from Kenya Power dated 5 March 2019, reference number KNAC/VOLL/7/045/27/3/2019 says Mwangi was fired for gross misconduct and violation of human resource and procurement rules. When Jamleck joined KCC, he formed a company, in which his 32 year old second girlfriend, Caroline Wangombe, who is his wife’s younger sister and the mother of his three year old daughter, was appointed director. It is their company, Packright Solutions that won tenders worth Sh561,000,000 to supply air at New KCC.
Mwangi, who is a church elder at Nairobi Baptist Ridgeways Church is a hypocrite. While he dresses in sharp suits on Sundays and sits on the front pew, a few hours ago, he could have either been drinking freezing cold Tusker Malt at Eden Bliss Muthaiga North with his third girlfriend Wairimu or caressing the thighs of his fourth girlfriend Nduku who works at New KCC at the bar counter of the The Monarch along Ngong Road. When the symptoms of desire to fornicate still persists, he will be seek ‘medical advice’ from his fifth girlfriend, a nurse with whom he drinks with at TRM and go to her house along Lumumba Drive in Roysambu for ‘healing.’
Mwangi, who also owns a Harrier KCQ 855L and lives in a 8 bedroom house in Thome Estate valued at Sh 60,000,000 is a greedy man. He joined New KCC in 2015 December and in three years, his companies, Levanta Limited was awarded and paid for contracts worth Ksh 237 million, his other company Smartfield Properties won tenders worth Kshs 803 million from the New KCC and every shilling paid, his third company, Packright won and was paid tenders worth Ksh 561 million. That’s Ksh1.602 billion in three years. Mwangi made Sh 44 million per month, Ksh 1.4 million per day, Ksh 61,728 per hour and Ksh 1028.80 per minute. The companies supplied air, and it’s the air they supplied that has been keeping New KCC alive or the company would have collapsed from lack of oxygen!
Detailed investigations reveal that Mwangi used his position to enrich himself and his wide array of girlfriends. From a letter dated 11 March 2019, the New KCC managing director Nixon Sigey replied to a whistle blower, “We are in receipt of the above public petition dated 25 January 2019, addressed to the chairman of board, Director DCI Mr George Kinoti and the CS Ministry of Trade and Industrialization based on Article 35 of the constitution of Kenya alleging: The directors of Packright Solutions are blood relatives of the head of procurement Mr Jamleck Mwangi, his nephew Namu Miguri and co director Caroline Kamene, who is a blood sister to Mr Wangombe the operations Manager.”

The letter also stated 8 other pregnant points, accusing Mwangi of corruption.
A total of 287 invoices in our possession from Packright to New KCC, 287 draws a picture of well-connected company that was winning all kinds of tenders and being paid monies, from as little as Sh 467,712 for supply of sealing tapes on 18/07/2018 under invoice number 31220. As we stated earlier, the department under which the tendered documents fall is headed by Faith Makau, Mwangi’s baby mama. Just like a proper and careful thief, invoice from Packright were ‘small’ amounts that won’t raise suspicion but the frequency was the red flag that alarmed investigators. In another invoice, under invoice number 31350, the company is paid Ksh 1,503,360 for trays. The amounts paid are all between Ksh 400,000 to Kshs 17,434,000. The companies invoice lists its offices as Mountain Mall 1st floor, Suite 202 and brag as Providers of Packaging Solutions and Supply of Goods and Services. According to a documents on our possession, controversial payments amounting to Sh6 million were paid to a single company in one month in 2018 reflecting duplicated figures but bearing different invoice numbers.
On August 17, 2018, Packright Solutions received unexplained five different payments in a single day while additional payments were made at three intervals within 21 days.
When the massive fraud was unearthed on 22 December and Kenya Network Against Corruption, a civil society group through operations Director and CEO Dr. Gordwins Agutu served him a petition to vacate office, Mwangi rushed to the registrar of companies and changed the directorship of Packright Solutions from Caroline Kamene Mutuku and Namu Meegan Njiru to Hellen Nadupoi Sirote on 31 December 2018. In a CR 12 form from the registrar of societies, Mwangi’s nephew Njiru and his girlfriend, who is also his wife’s younger sister are listed as directors. In a new CR12 form dated 29 January 2019, in our possession, the directors have changed to Samuel Nguyo Wangombe and Hellen Nadupoi Sirote. But with investigations heating up, Samule Nguyo wrote a letter, in our possession to the DCI, stating, “I am not a director or owner or having any bonafide contribution of share as alleged by Mr Jamleck Thuo Mwangi, the head of procurement at New KCC. Jamleck approached me and requested to offer me employment where he registered a company by the name Packright solutions under the directorship of his nephew Meegan Namu Njiru and his girlfriend Caroline Kamene used as proxies. I am not related to Jamleck but he has been using me to secure deals at New KCC and he doesn’t pay my dues. I wish to distance myself from Packright Solutions and I am currently looking for a job. I will be ready and willing to give any testimony before a court of law.”
With overwhelming evidence of his corrupt activities, the board suspended Jamleck in February 23 but he was not a man to go down without fighting.
After the board suspended him, the president was to visit New KCC factory at Dandora on 25 of April 2019. In bitterness, Jamleck wrote a letter to KRA, a week before the presidential visit happened, asking the tax agency not to clear a consignment of gable tops (used to package yorghurts) claiming the company importing the gable tops, Ramses Limited was not paying taxes. He had hoped his letter would sabotage the delivery of the said goods to New KCC so that when the president visited, no activity would be going on. This he did to discredit the management and the board that had suspended him. Unfortunately, KRA investigated Ramsis Limited and fortunately, cleared the consignment after no wrong doing was found on the company’s part.
In his drunken antics, the randy but religious man can always be heard bragging that the smallest piece of shamba he has is a piece of land he bought in Kirigiti in Kiambu County worth over Kshs 17.3M next to Home Afrika. The crown jewel in Mwangi’s corruption empire is a state of art 5000 square feet two story hardware superstore in Kamulu that cost him Sh 400 million to build and stock.
Among the tenders Mwangi’s companies won include the tender for provision of insurance services which was won by Sunland Insurance Brokers, owned by George Kamau Mwangu, Jamleck’s elder brother. We have all the documents and payment vouchers in our possession. Other tenders include Supply, installation and commissioning of 650KVA prime closed generator set at the Sotik factory, design, supply, installing and commissioning of a fermented milk CIP system at the Dandora factory, design, installation and commission of a mala production line in the Eldoret Factory, Changes made to rehabilitation of systems boiler in Miritini, Supply, installation and commission of refrigerator compressor at Sotik Factory, Supply Installation and commission of Rotary Screw, Air Compressor and drive in Nyahururu Factory, supply, installation and commissioning of gable top filling machine in Eldoret Factory and supply and commissioning of complete 500mls aseptic filling line in Nyahururu Factory that the Network boss seeks to terminate the award of contracts claiming this tenders were fraudulently awarded and the process flouted as per the PPOA Act .
In the second edition, we will reveal how Samuel Ichura, the finance director and Nixon Sigey, the Managing Director who spends all his free hours deflowering virgins and cutting deals at Weston Hotel aided and abetted theft at New KCC to fund their lifestyles and funded their mistresses.

In the third edition, we will serialise how Board member Dr Josh Odhiambo who bought a Mercedes Benz E350 from proceeds of corruption perpetuated by Jamleck and the head of HR Dr Magdalene Muthoka who facilitates hiring or girlfriends and mistresses at New KCC for kickbacks.