Hi Cyprian thank you for exposing DTB.
I would like to let u know that in DTB staff are paid on the basis of who one knows.
Qualifications and experience are not considered. Kisumu and kkg branches have managers who are college dropouts.
The Kisumu branch manager is so unprofessional in her operations that she even shouts at staff in front of customers.
She is racist in the way she treats customers. She favours Asians openly. In Kisumu, Asians will not queue.
Many are the instances where Asians are openly taken out of the queue in the full glare of other customers and served.
Last week blacks were openly removed from the bulk cubicle only for an Asian to be allowed in.
This manager by the names Nikita will do anything to belittle Africans be it, customers or staff.
She manipulates HR and will mistreat staff because she has HR backing.