In 2018, Tigania East MP Josphat Gichunge Kabeabea was accused of defrauding some people off their land.
Seems the man is untouchable and the case didn’t stop him from continuing in the bad habit. Another resident has com forth crying for dear money
Like many other people, this man has conned me my land in Juja Farm. He didn’t complete paying for the land, yet he parcelled it out and sold it. I had surrendered the title to him through his fraudster lawyer, Kaburu Mwiti who is now the proprietor of Kwetu Properties. Kabeabea is a criminal and should not be a Legislator. I don’t know what this government is sparing such people for yet this is corruption. He is even a Vicechair for the Parliamentary Committee on land. This conflict of interest. Can someone help us please? the resident wrote
In Deceber 3, 2018
Hi Mr President.
As you continue to expose corruption and fraudsters please expose Diamond Property Merchants. They are scammers who continue to con unsuspecting Kenyans everyday.
This company is a fraud I am a victim. They didn’t issue titles deeds even after defrauding us through their fake agribusiness concept back in 2016.
It’s a shame this company is owned by a legislator. The legislator is Josphat Gichunge Kabeabea, the Tigania East M.P.