Our source confirms that slave-driver Sanjay Brahmbhatt, the Group Managing Director of slave steamship Blowplast Limited is a worried man. He has not been seen in his office for quite some time and that is directly linked to explosive expose’s carried by this blog under the series ‘Slavery In Kenya’.
Instead of the slave-driver acknowledging his wrongdoings and correcting them; he hides behind fake court orders to try and gag cnyakundi.com.
On average, cnyakundi.com receives about 10 demand letters per month.
The Ministry of Labour and Immigration should look into the wrongdoing at Blowplast Limited.
There’s the issue of ladies being sacked from the company after they become pregnant. Is pregnancy a disability?
Slavery: For Kenyans Working With Indians, It Is 1619 Everyday
Mr. Sanjay, stop hiring Indians from India who walk around with forged Work Permits, harrasing Kenyans.
You and your HR or even finance director know this too well, you’ve been bribing officials at the department of Immigration to issue fake work permits which are renewed past the 2 years period where a foreigner is supposed to have trained a Kenyan on the skill that a Kenyan lacked.
Time for slavery in Kenyan perpetrated by Asians of Indian descent is up.
The boat has been rocked and now it is time for the employees to bypass COTU and its corrupt management.
Time will caught you not unawares when employees hit the streets and dictatorship falls.
You’ve been warned.
Slavery At Blowplast: Abuses are Like Whips The Slavemasters Used In 1619
More information received recently
Well done for the Blowplast Limited exposé, I worked there for 12 years and imagine I was not even paid for my service due; so all things analysed is true.