In the recent past, there have been complaints about Safaricom’s poor services, with many Kenyans very concerned that the once ‘great’ company has deteriorated since the demise of Bob Collymore.
The editor of this site a few years ago warned Kenyans about Safaricom’s dominance and their attempt to conquer every sector of the Kenyan economy.
For many years, Safaricom Dominance has been a headache in Kenya with a 2019 report being swept under the carpet. Safaricom, while a monopoly, played games in this splitting up issue and the Company paid lobbyists large sums of money to petition the government and the cabinet secretary to outrightly reject the report without the participation of other stakeholders.
This saw the bringing on board the likes of Dr. Bitange Ndemo. Who are the influential people that were bought off to kill the report?
Safaricom KPMG Audit: The Difference Between Mzungu Corruption & Black Corruption
Why the report was not first subjected to participation reveals Safaricom’s control and power to influence everything. In a nutshell, the Bill wanted telecommunication companies to split their core business from other ventures and seek regulatory approvals for each.
Safaricom partnered with M-Gas to provide cooking gas to low-income households at an affordable and flexible price in January 2020.
But now, those that have used M-Gas are complaining of being ripped off as it later turns out to be a very expensive venture. Some Baba Dogo residents CNYAKUNDI.COM spoke to informed us that the electronic payment regulator produces some sparks hence the recent explosions and fires.
Some residents that have tried to seek compensation have not succeeded and are demanding answers from Safaricom. Our investigations have confirmed that this has happened three times in Baba Dogo. Those with similar cases can email me [email protected] or 0710280973- Whatsapp.
The residents are threatening to stop using the Safaricom M-Gas products unless the safety concerns that have been hidden from the public are addressed.
A company called Rehal Energy LTD supplies to Baba Dogo.