Hi Cyprian I have just been reading about Kenya Institute of Management (KIM) and am actually wondering when an Institution I work for will be exposed as well. Employers are surrounded under what seems like ‘new management’ and a lot of secrets that have swept under.
I work at the Management University of Africa (MUA) which is sponsored by KIM and I am requesting for anonymity regarding this issue.
The management of this University is rotten and dictatorship is taking a toll on the employees. We are operating under divide and rule and salaries and employment are being done on the basis of who someone who.
The Board and the Trustees have done nothing to ensure a smooth transition of employees from one point to the other.
ALSO READ: EXPOSED: Litany Of Scandals At The Kenya Institute Of Management
Please advice on how I can send you evidence of the same.
The Vice Chancellor, Head of Finance, Dean of Students and the Deputy VC are slowly taking the University down; they are incompetent to run the University.
Just a few days ago, employees have been sent an email that stating that there’s a duty rota for preparing tea. Can you imagine this?
Mileage, Uber taxi services and entertainment is given only for the four big wigs and any other person is told to use public means or walk to meetings.
I have solid evidence of all this.
Each department will make tea for one week for all staff, security and cleaners. There is a tea urn at the kitchen and what is expected is just to fill the tea urn with milk and water. Because of the capacity of the tea urn, you will be required to boil the water and milk twice.