Hello, I’m writing to you, having been pierced and torn apart by the incidents happening at St. Peter’s Mumias Boys High School. Being an alumni of the school and having achieved a handful of merits for myself and for the school at large; Rugby has always been the pride of the school ever since I joined. Thanks to the previous principal Sir Godfrey Owuor who exited the school in 2017; everything had been running on a high gear until the ill-fated and current principal of the school Mr. Cosmas Nabongolo came in. We all know that perhaps most people have a higher affinity to some sports but not others. However, Mr. Cosmas’s is extremely wicked and has no bounds especially being in a school environment and institution. At first it happens that the boys were made to miss all pre-season tournaments, which includes the annual Bush Tourney at Alliance School. Mumias Boys have attended the tournament for the past 11 consecutive years. He came in and called it off. He looked for the best boys in different sports, rugby being the most affected, and expelled them from the school claiming poor performance. He then directed all the funding to ‘his sport’ which is soccer.