Hi Nyakundi!
Kindly Mulika CLE(Council Of Legal Education)
Those guys are frustrating students. It’s a whole cartel business over there. First, they frustrate foreign degree holders and allege that some of their degrees are substandard even when it’s not the case yet they have been accepting their predecessors who are practising advocates of this country.
They then refer you to Riara university only to do one topic ati for you to qualify yet some local universities don’t do the same number of units as the foreign degree holders but because they’re Kenyan universities, they get a pass and the others are locked out.
I know a person who’s been hustled by KSL since 2015. For her to study, she had to get in via court orders. CLE was alleging she didn’t cover two topics in the sale of goods unit effectively and for her to get in she had to go to Riara University. How did they confidently “know” she wasn’t taught? Is still a mystery. She didn’t go to Riara.
She got court orders instead and after a bumpy ride with a stubborn council, she got in. Guess what Nyakundi? On getting to KSL, Nairobi university had not been taught the Sale of Goods unit. But because they are a Kenyan university, they were not concerned.
At KSL she had to sit in during sale of goods classes that are taught for the sake of universities that don’t cover the same units here in Kenya for them to understand commercial transactions as a unit. That isn’t even it, guess what? My friend has covered 56 units.
UON covered 35 units. When joining KSL they tell you something about core units you should cover to be qualified to join KSL. some local univerisites don’t cover those core units yet they get in. You see the double standard?
Now, onto results, the same person has performed well in the orals and projects. On getting her results she has below 50% in eight papers. Could it be so because she got in via court orders??? We don’t know! But what we know is, there is no way, 1800fresh candidates can sit an exam and only 290 pass first round.
Something is totally off. Remarks is Ksh. 15,000 per paper and a resist is Ksh. 10,000 a paper so in the case of my friend, she needs 200,000K tentatively to make it and there’s no assurance that even with that 200K atapita bado. She might need more than that.
But wait, why should she pay to have her papers marked? They won’t even allow her to see her scripts to verify if the scripts are marked. That is just one person and one case.
Am sure if people were to come forward to speak the country would be shocked at how things are tough for law students in this country.
What about people from humble backgrounds? Kindly highlight our issues. We need help. These guys are the worst kind of cartels.