Sources tell Cnyakundi.com that gas scammer Mohammed Jaffer is now desperate and has courted Deputy President William Ruto in a bid to stay afloat.
Mr Jaffer who was previously a friend and financier of ODM Party leader Raila Odinga, found the going tough after it emerged the Raila handlers were not comfortable with him, and chased him away. Raila has already secured funding from Mount Kenya tycoons
Recently, the National Treasury signaled the revival of the stalled subsidy scheme for affordable cooking gas
Mwananchi Liquefied Gas Project which was launched in the 2016-17 financial year, collapsed due to the activities of one Mohammed Jaffer.
Mr. Jaffer was instrumental in sabotaging the project by bribing National Oil Corporation officials.
Now that the National Treasury has included the revival of the project in a draft budget plan, many are wondering if the plan to distribute 300,000 six-kilogramme LPG cylinders to low-income households in the next three years, will not be sabotaged again.
History has shown that such projects in Kenya are cash cows. Mohammed Jaffer is a legacy crook.
Auditor General’s office had exposed Jaffer’s crookedness.
It had noted that the Ministry of Energy and Petroleum contracted 10 firms to supply various components of the project at an aggregate cost of Sh999.9 million.
But written agreements between the suppliers and the government did not specify contract performance duration.
“Therefore it is not clear whether the department has proper recourse to enforce the contracts in the event the firms delay or fail to deliver the cylinders altogether,” the report said.
The report further said the project has not attained its purpose and value for money not obtained on expenditure totalling Sh870.3 million incurred on the project as at June 30, 2018.
“The status of the project remains unclear as its implementation appears to have stalled,” the report added.
It has also emerged that further budgetary allocations to the project were reduced by 50 per cent from the initial Sh2 billion to Sh1 billion in 2016-17.
“It is doubtful whether the department will implement the project to the scale envisaged at inception and whether the project’s objective of enhancing the use of modern cooking fuels by low-income households will be attained.”
The government rolled out the project through the National Oil Corporation.
The 6kg cylinders were to be distributed at a discounted price to households that would otherwise not afford them.
Jaffer is now courting a known criminal enabler DP Ruto to make ends meet.
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