As you may all be aware from an exclusive story carried on this website, the CEO of Diamond Trust Bank Naseem Devji was arrested on Friday 1st of February 2019 and was taken in to record a statement by the Anti Terrorism Police Unit (ATPU).
Ms. Devji didn’t not sleep in the cells on the night of 1st because immense pressure was exerted by the Aga Khan community in Kenya, beginning with a telephone call from the Aga Khan himself to Statehouse.
On the following day, there was an emergency board meeting called by Diamond Trust Bank to brainstorm on ways to respond to the matter. It was decided that all editors be bribed to black out this information, and being that DTB is a major advertiser in the mainstream media, it was easy for them to subdue media editors with brown envelopes.
Secondly, it was decided that the company should not respond to Cyprian Nyakundi’s article but instead launch a smear-campaign against bloggers, calling for their regulation, a move which has backfired severally.
On hand to offer his help in the matter was Nation Media Group Chairman Wilfred Kiboro who immediately instructed the Group Editor to launch a series of shows, meant to drum-beat this sterile agenda.
Nation Media Group is also owned by the Aga Khan.
The Monday Night show PressPass hosted by Daystar street-urchin Mark Maasai who pretends to be a born-again Christian yet his work is just sleeping with young girls left right and center.
They made the case for regulation of bloggers but in a very hurried manner, using state-sponsored panelists like Philip Ogolla and Safaricom-owned Bloggers Association of Kenya. All the panelists had been given the script of purporting to be “neutral” but offer punchlines in support of regulation.
The objective (which failed miserably) was to project blogging as an idlers activity even when the benefits of Internet activism are clear for all to see. They chose to take a simplistic look at blogging done on Twitter purposes and forgot to mention the many opportunities it’s created for content producers on Instagram and Facebook.
However remember that this is an exercise in futility as any law which has been declared unconstitutional cannot then be redrafted and passed again.
Money from Diamond Trust and other sources including the various Forex Bureaus owned by Aga Khan like Muthaiga Forex, ABC Forex, etc has bombarded the law enforcement and prosecutor’s arm of the Government, that charges have been amended and down-graded from terrorism to money-laundering.
It is extremely unfortunate how money is prioritized over the lives of Kenyans in this country. That simply because Aga Khan has money and is a frequent visitor at Statehouse, the law will be put in the back-burner, just to safeguard his interests and overlook our interests as citizens.