Kirinyaga Governor Anne Waiguru sacked casual staff at the Kerugoya County Referral Hospital in late April, 2019.
The Hospital has now fallen into unspeakable dirt as patients and remaining staff grapple with sickness due to poor hygiene.
It is clear that the sacking of over 200 casual workers, who were demanding a salary raise at the hospital, was not a good idea after all.
Pictures sent to the editor of this site speaks of a dire situation which requires urgent attention.
About a week after the sacking of the casual staff who included cleaners, five nurses were taken ill with Hepatitis B.
It is now emerging that a child has died from the disease.

Hepatitis B is highly contagious disease and the county now faces a grave public health challenge.
Anne Waiguru should stop catwalking and dancing with DP William Ruto as her constituents are suffering.
This is a crisis that needs leadership and not carrying money in sacks to Harambees.
Please act faster.
I don’t know what to say to the health ministry led by the perennial looter Sicily Kariuki.
Kirinyaga County is not far from Nairobi and this disease might affect this shithole city too.
Act fast.