A claim by a village lady on social media that the current Trade and Industrialisation CS Hon Peter Munya fathered her daughter and abandoned her, one year ago, has caused a social media storm.
“Governor Peter Munya supported me all through my pregnancy till I gave birth in January 2016 All this time everything he did for me was in cash..at no time did Munya deposit any coin in my account and for sure hajui hata my account number.
He has seen my kid grow till 2016 July when he stopped paying rent and started ignoring my calls and SMSs for reason I personally don’t know. I met him in 2015 at the Mt Kenya Safari Club. then I was a student at KMTC doing nursing and saloonist. For a number of days now Munya has not been talking to me or replying my texts. On Tuesday last week I just texted him and told him that the baby was sick he did not reply my message when I threatened him of reporting the matter to the police he texted me on a what’s up and told me that he was going to kill me.

I can still produce the what’s up chat I have them he also said that he will say that he gives me 100000. I want him to be honest to God and explain about his bank transactions to any of my accounts, which is this account he deposits?"
If it is indeed true that Boyshaod Munya threatened to kill the lady because she wants the baby’s upkeep money then the police must investigate the matter because cases of powerful leaders killing women that they impregnate have become common, latest being Obado.
On the other hand, women that refuse to work hard and want men to cater for everything because they got a kid together should be exposed because boychild is not an ATM machine.
Hereunder are some photos of the beautiful wife