Bishop Emmanuel Kashero of the World Christian Professional Ministry, Mombasa is a wanted man.
The man of cloth run away with Sh1,365,925.9 that he had been guaranteed by some colleagues.
The loan issuing entity was Bandari Sacco which has now moved to recover the money from the accounts of the guarantors.
“Reference is made to the default of the above loan to which you were a guarantor and we do hereby inform you that we have recovered the apportioned net liability of Ksh. 145,922.85 on 08.03.2021 from your shares/deposits to pay off the loan balance of Kshs. 1,365,925.89 for the above member. We are sorry for any inconvenience caused,” a letter seen by Cnyakundi.com said.
Most Kenyans lose money to clergymen who take advantage of their ignorance and loneliness.
The reason it is spoken in a hushed tone is because of the fear of victimization.
Many don’t come to the fore fearing an imaginary curse or being shut out by the congregations that believe in the pastor/priest or even Imam.
Kenyans must change their attitudes because some men of cloth take advantage of the fear to do many evil things.
In the above scenario, the congregant acted as a guarantor for a Biashara loan for the bishop who has now failed to pay.
Maybe times are tough, but be careful whom you chose to guarantee.
Some examples.
Habbakuk of Diaspora Sacco
Reverend Habakkuk Wamududa was in charge of the Kenya Qatar Diaspora Sacco (KQDS).
He stole a lot of money and got away for longer because many of those slaving in the Middle East thought that a man of God cannot steal from them
Govt cracks the whip on rogue former managers of Kenya Qatar Diaspora Sacco
The Chief Pastor of Prayer Center of God – Charismatic church in Uthiru is one vile man of the cloth.
The lead pastor is accused of preying on young girls in the church whom he blackmails or sweet-talks to send him nudes of them masturbating. He then sleeps with some; when they get pregnant, he pays for the abortions and the spiral of evil continues.
“He has been sleeping with young girls and impregnates them then make them do abortions. He tells them to send masturbation videos. I would want to expose him. It’s been a long time coming,” a congregant told cnyakundi.com