There is this project sponsored by the World bank, known as Kenya Youth Employment and Opportunities (KYEOP), where youths are trained through National Industrial Training Authority (NITA) while others who applied for Business Grants are to be given the Kshs. 40k grant in two instalments.
Now the applications are done in cycle, 1, 2 and 3 in various selected counties in open discrimination.
However, our concern is that the grants’ beneficiaries haven’t received any cent right from cycle one, maybe few lucky ones based on who knows who and who brought you.
Now the KYEOP and MSEA (a component in the program) advertised for cycle 4 applications yet even the grants for cycle 2 have not been paid.
Those driving the function are conning our youths by withholding funds meant for our empowerment while drawing millions from Daily Subsistence Allowances (DSA) and Allowances in Overseas Trainings. The mockery of it all is this; one Stephen Ogenga was the Project Coordinator of KYEOP at NITA. Due to public demand and rage over his incompetence, Ukur Yattani, the Cabinet Secretary Ministry of Labour & Social Security had to intervene to have him relieved of his duties from KYEOP over incompetence and a 24/7 in-tray full of Industrial Training work. His problem is one, he loves money more than his job with salient appetite of field related duties to earn (DSA).
To add salt to the wound, the NITA Board settled on the choice of Mr Ogenga to act as NITA’s Ag. Director General in replacement of yet another Paul Kosgei who knew nothing about Corporate Governance other than cowardice and ruining the careers of innocent employees at the sole instructions of one, Ernest Nadome, an artisan and a COTU representative at the NITA Board. Having failed to steer KYEOP, what better is expected on Mr Ogenga as NITA’s next CEO? With a big man syndrome, he has begun changing offices, locks and introduced a private door which hid predecessor had no idea about. Nadome is honestly in an unfamiliar terrain. His hand is at every recruitment with the worst choices of candidates fixed to get jobs notwithstanding fair merit and competition.
One, Galm Rogicha Guyo has been nicknamed a mortician because Levy Administration Department is on its dead bed because of incompetence. The NITA Board is a consumer of fake news in terms of cooked figures on Levy Collections while he utilizes the departments’ vote head on some irrelevant county forums with no bearing on any returns. Nadome’s choice of a banker is asleep and the earliest he is repatriated back to Kenya Commercial Bank Group where he came from, the better. He knows nothing completely about Levy Administration.
Back to KYEOP, and every time they say be patient, we will pay by end of April, May, now we are in June.Nothing has been paid.May you kindly highlight this issue; some people is getting rich on youths’ fund through DSA and unnecessary trainings. KYEOP is a cash-cow at NITA.
There’s a lot of corruption in the manner in which the funds are utilized. A few individuals are benefitting at the expense of the Kenyan youth and the real thieves are at NITA.
We will soon unleash how the rogue local banks have been swindling Kenyans through Hunger Safety Nets Funds, Funds for the elderly, Funds meant for Orphans and Vulnerable Children, Funds for the disabled and Funds meant for youths.
The problem is that the donors know these but are not confronting the issue lending absolute credence to the truth laid bare in the book, ‘Confessions of an Economic Hitman’, by John Perkins.
Stop these thieves! These scandals run deep. Stinks to high heaven.
Faces of theft, Impunity and corruption at NITA.