The chief editor of this site has received information regarding the state of Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs) that work in the HIV/AIDS prevention and management programmes sponsored by United States Agency for International Development (USAID).
Exposé: Kwale County Medical Workers Forced To Get HIV Positive Patients
It all started when this site posted about the issue of health workers under Afya Pwani in Kwale County complained that they were being forced to get more HIV positive patients.
That was followed by the revelations that the Pioneer Voluntary Counseling Centre (VCT), LVCT Health was also stressing its workers to get more HIV/AIDS patients so as to attract more funding.
It appears the issue is rampant as more health workers have now sent information confirming the story to be true and even adding that for example in Bungoma County, some health workers have already been given notice of underperformance. Some have resorted to cheat.
LIVERPOOL VCT Centre Forcing Workers To ‘Bring’ HIV Positive Patients
In Kisii and Nyamira counties, most have already been fired.
Bungoma County
It’s true we are being forced to get two positives every week here in Bungoma we are being intimidated with sacking. Please expose this, don’t mention me.
It’s very true; get to the bottom of this. I am a Victim of USAID AMPATH threatening to sack or not to renew our contracts.
Some people have resorted to cheating in order to keep their jobs.
Kisii and Nyamira Counties
Your exposure on healthcare workers being forced to get yields is so true. I have more than 10 friends whose contracts were abruptly terminated when they tested less number of positives as expected.
This is Afia Ziwani Nyamira and Kisii counties. Please don’t mention my name.