Bonny Khalwale never knew the value of his Twitter account till it was snatched from Him . In a painful story of using Leone, Without Pay off course, Leone snatched the Account from him . Leone, Who happens to be a close relative to Khalwale decided to change the password and Username of the Twitter Account BoniMtetezi . Khalwale tried to log in all to no avail, the Account had already been swapped .
It is believed beyond any reasonable doubts that Leone branded the Twitter Account, Worked day and night to grow it but even after all the effort ….Bonny Khalwale never appreciated. When I say never Appreciated I mean he never paid anything , Not even a cent.
That sums it all . Khalwale finally realised he cant do without his Twitter Account . After Begging Leone for many days, his efforts to get the account bore no fruits. It is alleged that Kalwale decided to defame Leone in a WhatsApp Group by claiming that ” The young man is undergoing an identity crisis and he should not be associated with his family ”
Khalwale called Leone and told him that the Twitter Account was his Voice and great political milleage in the dynamically changing society . After realising things were becoming hot,Khalwale had to consult family members among them Leone’s father who made a deal
Yesterday I Told Leone that Khalwale should pay him 2 Million for the Twitter Account . I broke down this figure based of the influence the Twitter Account had, Number of Followers , Tweets , Branding and rate of Activity because it was very active
They held a meeting today 7/29/2015 @ Sarova and Leone decided to give him the Twitter Account for free . Khalwale has refused to pay the young man.
Finally Khalwale has his Twitter Account and we wait to see how he will Tweet . The Twitter Username @BoniMtetezi has already been snatched and maybe Bonny Khalwale should beg the person who signed up with the Username to Swap it to him because that is his Brand .
Beware of politicians who use you and throw you away like tissue paper .