I’m writing to expose my deadbeat husband. His name is Gato Gitonga Kamwere son of billionaire James Kamwere. He ran away from home two weeks ago to put up with a known old woman by the name of Fatma Wandia. He realised I couldn’t mother him anymore as my source of money ran dry.
Here is a brief summary of Gato Kamwere. He’s born of former City Council surveyor James Kamwere now in private practice. Gato went to all the high end schools in Kenya beginning with Brookhouse, St. Mary’s and Braeside High. For university, he studied in Coventry in the United Kingdom.
Gato Kamwere
He was born with a silver spoon and thus his parent spoilt their brats meaning to date, all his four siblings still rely on them for maintenance and upkeep. His mother is a multi millionaire on her own right and is the second wife to the tycoon.
We live in Ngumo in a house the father owns. Recently, Gato’s father purchased a Mazda KCN 830C to facilitate movement of the then infant child. Gato has since made it his own. He (Gato) has no career and dropped out of college in 2nd year. He returned to Kenya in 2008 and joined a group of well known socialites whom he went to school with like Muthoni the drummer queen, Karen Lucas, mediocre singer Kagwe Mungai, Wambui Kibue and his best friend George “Porgie” Gachui who is advising him to marry from his class. Porgie is the co-founder of e-commerce website Mookh.
He ran away from home two weeks ago and has pending service bills including KPLC house account number 01450440902 and a Nairobi Water account 1144995.
He has moved in with a lady by the name of Fatma Wandia associated with FatTrain Films. Her number is 0702647**8.
Fatma Wandia
When I met him, he lied how he has invested in restaurants which turned out to be owned by his mum. I had a side business next to his mum’s cafe in Westlands and thats how we met in 2012. He made sure I never met his friends but I later came to know that he preys on successful women.
My husband has no ambition and spends his days in the couch watching TV. In the evening, he dresses up like someone who has been working and goes out to meet with friends. He lies under my nose how jobo is “busy”. He’s always a phonecall away from his friends for company, always in the shadow of younger hardworking men that he hangs out with, all the while pretending to be ambitious. He touts his parents projects as his own.
His mother once warned me that I should know he has nothing. He has a pickup truck that she bought for him but it is now being used by his “friends”. His friends come first while his family comes last. He never provides for our children who are two. I have three kids in total and the first born who I came with, is my responsibility.
Her and her mixed daughter
Sorry for the long posts. I’m just in distress.
Note, he’s very elusive and stays away from social media and taking photos for fear of being exposed. Family photos are all in his phone and he likes to keep it that way. Rumour has it that before I met him, an ex slandered him on social media making him exit all platforms.
He has enslaved me to take care of his kids and I’m now 4 months pregnant with no one to turn to. The woman started by inviting him to dinner at her place in Kileleshwa. She even bought him an iPhone. He left us with nothing even for emergencies.
If you’d like to have a one-on-one, come see our situation at GolfCourse Phase 2. House number ***. We are just here with my sons stranded. I have no maid so I do everything. He refused to pay for a mboch.
Caption: The guy in the cap his best friend known by a socialiate name Porgie- co founder of the mookh, a hardworking 32 ur old whom my husband runs errands for , picks his wife to take her shopping while the husband is in Rwanda for work. but he’ll never be seen shopping with me. Mind you my husband is 39 and has no job. He gets stipend of 80K from his mum monthly
Cyprian is a blogger who has an interest in politics, news, current affairs, people and anything that is of interest to society. My aim is to inform and update readers with the most accurate information.