Will the incidences of flouting of the Kenya law on the part of Occupational Safety and Health Act, No. 15 of 2007 (Revised 2010), which among other things states that workplaces must be ‘maintained in a condition that is safe and without risks to health and provide necessary means of access to egress (outlet) from it that are safe and without risks to health’, just pass as a fad for the officials and wankers at the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection?
Wankers indeed, only planning on what next to steal aided by the Central Organisation of Trade Unions (COTU).
Ministry of Labour and Social Protection, you have now been notified, start investigations. Mbwa tu.
The managing director Tushar Shah (pictured above) was early this year charged with assaulting a female employee Norah Kavindu Mutisya for allegedly being a non-performer.
The incident took place in September, 2018 at their offices located off Nairobi’s Mombasa Road.
Hello Nyakundi,
Help Safepak Ltd workers please.
The company is located on Maasai road off mombasa road. It’s a plastic packages manufacturing company; they manufacture plastic water bottles, jars, caps etc.
Every worker is a slave there.
These are the slave-drivers rules:
No carrying cellphone and watches, imagine 10 hours during day shift and 15 hours during night shift without knowing how your family are fairing.
No carrying food from outside the company. You only depend on the boiled githeri and ugali mandondo the whole week. During night shift you eat the left overs (some cold githeri baridi or Madondo that was left over during lunch). It is only on sundays and during holidays that they offer 7 slices of Selector bread with a small cup of tea.
Long working hours, during the day I work up to 10 hours i.e. 8 am to 6:30 pm; during night shift one works almost 15 hours i.e 5:30pm to 8:50 am the following day.
No overtime paid even if you work 120 hours overtime and you won’t get more than Kshs. 24k as a gross salary. NO double payment during holidays but if I fail to report to work that day you are deducted double and you are required to explain where you were.
NO SERVICE Paid, even if you work for 20 years you are taking nothing home when you get sacked. Totally there is nothing like Employee service there.
Nobody knows his/her daily wage. When signing contract for general workers you are told your basic salary is Ksh. 13000 and house allowance of Kshs.2000.
Delivery workers are working from 7:30am to 10pm for 6 days yet they are paid between Ksh.17000 and Ksh.18000.
No promotion at all.
FIRE EXIT DOORS ALWAYS LOCKED with more than 2 padlocks, no key left inside that small glass.
We are suffering, actually tortured more than what I have mentioned.
Kindly help.