The day the former anti-corruption czar John Githongo was ordered to pay to former minister for Internal Security Chris Murungaru Kshs. 27 million for defamation; third-rated political analyst Mutahi Ngunyi celebrated.
Mutahi wrote:
As a Little BOY, If you SAW an OLD MAN sitting with his LEGS apart exposing himself, YOU were MEANT to WASH your eyes with SOAP. Githongo SAW Mzee Kibaki’s ‘NAKEDNESS’, then he RAN away to TELL Muzungus What he SAW. Now the ORACLES have PUNISHED him. Justice for “John Githongo”
World renowned Economist David Ndii immediately responded by calling Mr. Ngunyi a liar. He further exposed him as a beneficiary of corruption and even laid bare a little known incident of theft by Ngunyi at Ford Foundation.
‘Theres a background to this shameless rant. Mutahi and Jonathan Moyo stole Ford Foundation money. Mutahi’s SAREAT Trust was grantee, Moyo was the Ford Prog. Officer. John Githongo was Editor of SAREAT Journal East African Alternatives. He became a key witness in the matter’, David Ndii posted on his Twitter handle.
A few days later Ngunyi responded by threatening to sue Ndii.
However, though late, John Githongo yesternight replied to Ngunyi’s tweet by implying that he (Mr. Ngunyi) is lying.
Ndii has never commented on that matter since he was threatened with a lawsuit, at least by the time we posted this article.
Quick story about Mutahi Ngunyi
Ngunyi was mentioned in the first National Youth Service (NYS) scandal where he was fingered for receiving tens of millions for work not done.
In the over Kshs. 790 million scandal, Ngunyi through his company, The Consulting Company, had received Kshs. 102.5 million. This was Kshs. 12.5 million above the Kshs. 90 million Ngunyi’s company was supposed to receive.
While facing the Parliamentary Accounts Committee (PAC), Ngunyi said he had wired back the money to the Central Bank of Kenya (CBK).
This was after noting that the prosecution was coming for him.
No one knows if he ever returned the money. There’s no evidence to support Ngunyi’s claim.
This is a petty thief.
What Githongo wrote yesterday
Mutahi Ngunyi, Your capacity for effortless lies remains unencumbered by their transparency or the vagaries of age, John Githongo posted on Twitter
Below are the tweets from where it all started:
As a Little BOY, If you SAW an OLD MAN sitting with his LEGS apart exposing himself, YOU were MEANT to WASH your eyes with SOAP. Githongo SAW Mzee Kibaki's 'NAKEDNESS', then he RAN away to TELL Muzungus What he SAW. Now the ORACLES have PUNISHED him. Justice for "John Githongo"
— Mutahi Ngunyi (@MutahiNgunyi) May 2, 2019
Theres a background to this shameless rant. Mutahi and Jonathan Moyo stole Ford Foundation money. Mutahi’s SAREAT Trust was grantee, Moyo was the Ford Prog. Officer. @JohnGithongo was Editor of SAREAT Journal East African Alternatives. He became a key witness in the matter. https://t.co/r05IAnSSfJ
— David Ndii (@DavidNdii) May 3, 2019
This is a brotherly NOTICE to @DavidNdii. I NEVER stole from NYS. I NEVER stole from FORD. I was SUED by FORD for paying John Githongo, Dr Willy Mutunga and Jonathan Moyo. Check the COURT PAPERS. FORD Withdrew CASE. Next TIME Ndii calls me a THIEF, I will SUE him BIG time.
— Mutahi Ngunyi (@MutahiNgunyi) May 10, 2019
@MutahiNgunyi 😂Your capacity for effortless lies remains unencumbered by their transparency or the vagaries of age
— John Githongo (@johngithongo) May 11, 2019
Ndii has responded this morning
Translation: Pathological liar. https://t.co/9nUqkT7uwR
— David Ndii (@DavidNdii) May 12, 2019