In recent months, PS Joe Okudo’s name has constantly appeared on this blog as we set to unearth an audacious looting racket at the Sports Ministry.
With each passing day, more insiders continue to step forward to substantiate reports of the miserable state of affairs caused by the unsatisfiable greed of a mediocre leadership, from top to bottom.
It was on this blog that we highlighted the eating of Adam’s fruit by the CEO of the Sports Fund, Mark Wambugu, as reported by the Auditor General.
The person in charge of the Fund is none other than the Sports PS, as the Fund’s Administrator, which confirmed the theft was done with the full knowledge and blessings of the PS; e.g. the National Olympic Committee building on Kenya road, which the PS and Wambugu made a killing.
We also understood that the rot is so deeply entrenched to the extent of some junior staff, like Dokatu Wako, gaining access to the gravy train.
The lady, likely to be in her late 30s, enjoys favors from Cabinet Secretary Amina Mohamed thanks to their close relationship that began immediately after she took over the godforsaken ministry.
At the time, Dokatu Wako was simply an ordinary employee struggling to make ends meet at the bottom of the hierarchy, but that quickly changed after she was placed under the minister’s wings and eventually rose to become her de facto assistant responsible for running all the dirty errands.
Some of her duties as Amina’s proxy included collecting bribes from contractors and delivering threats to those that fail to comply with agreed terms.
Most recently, concerned stakeholders raised the alarm after disgraced Sports PS Joe Okudo appeared in the list of notable figures who are shortlisted by the public service commission for the Principal Secretary position.
In the list released by the Public Service Commission, PS Okudo is listed as number 241.
This is the same person who mistreated and took advantage of the athletics team in Oregon, and not forgetting that his sister, Ogutu Okudo, displayed this same trade of stealing during the counting of votes at Bomas.
This is not someone that should not be allowed anywhere near any government office.
Why steal public funds so that you can use the same money to buy back your position?
As promised, we continue listing corruption at the Ministry and Sports Fund until the entire rot sees the light of day.
In case you missed it, here are links to some of our past pieces.
- Looting Racket At The Sports, Arts And Social Development Fund Exposed
- Fireworks At The Sports Fund After Cyprian Nyakundi Expose’
- Dokatu Wako: CS Amina’s Alleged Proxy Enjoying Fruits Of Embezzlement At Sports Ministry
- PUZZLE: How Expunged Sports Kenya Director-General Executed Official Duties
- When The Drunk and Corrupt Speak: Why Avril’s Baby Daddy PS Joe Koudo Is Not Fit To Lecture Us On Sports
- Sports Fund Theft Costs Malkia Strikers Trip To Brazil
- CONFIRMED: Sports Ministry Is Broke
- Illicit Love Affair, Looting At Sports Fund Under CS Amina’s Watch Exposed
In the latest submission, forwarded to us on October 21, 2022, insiders have once again spoken out on the acute underfunding of Kenyan sports federations.
The drunk PS Okudo and his team of crooked officials are using the Judo federation to channel funds out of the Sports Fund during the ongoing transition of power.
Kenyans must stand up to public theft and not sit back.
It is aslso rather astonishing, when, for example, you hear of the Head of a Federation who was once accused of sexually molesting boys when he served as the Principal of a School in Nyanza and another one dating female players in the national ladies’ team.
“Hi Nyakundi,
We want to thank you for being the voice of the oppressed.
Your information on the sad state of theft of funds at the sports ministry is spot on.
As we write right now, the Sports Ministry has not funded any sporting activities for any of the federations, in the last financial year’s quarter, apart from the very corrupt body of Judo, which we would like you to highlight and tag the President.
Judo Federation has been used by the outgoing PS Okudo and the 1st Deputy President of National Olympic Committee, Shadrack Maluki to steal money from the Sports Ministry. Judo as a Federation has received over 400 million, while other sports are struggling.
Malkia Strikers, our loved ladies’ volleyball team, trained in Brazil and went for the world championships without any support from the Sports Ministry.
Right now, we have over five federations that will soon be suspended by their world bodies because of failure to attend International events.
The Public Service Commission should not even allow PS Okudo near them in the ongoing interviews for PS’s.
For once, we are celebrating the loss of Baba in the elections. If he had won, some of us would be in exile by now.
Likewise, the National Olympic Committee of Kenya, which is equally a corrupt body, has been doing a lot of self-cleansing by funding selected Federations’ activities and refusing to fund federations that did not support them during the elections.
Senator Cherengai brought up this matter of corrupt sports bodies, and we hope he will help the incoming CS of Sports Hon Ababu Namwamba to tackle these corrupt people.
In the past, you covered the people who have killed Kenyan sports, and we want to list them down again, starting with Shadrack Maluki of judo and NOCK and also a drinking buddy of the 247 drunk PS Okudo, Francis Mutuku the Secretary General of NOCK, Waithaka Kioni who should be in jail by now for sleeping with the volleyball players, Paul Otula of basketball who was kicked out of Maseno School of sodomy, then you have Agness Olouch of Paralympic’s body, who deals with her kind like it’s the last day on earth.
In the Sports Ministry, you have PS Okudo, Mark Wambugu, the Acting CEO of the Sports Fund and the drama Queen CS Amina, not forgetting her handbag girl Doukatu.
These people have killed Kenyan sports and should never be allowed near any athlete.
They belong in Kamiti, where former NOCK official Stephen Soi now resides,” the source writes.
This endemic graft at the Sports Ministry has come at the unfortunate expense of workers and contractors.
For the past year, none of them has received their dues despite supplying items as agreed.
This has left many of them suffering at the hands of merciless banks where they secured loans with the hopes of paying back with the proceeds from the signed deal.
On the other hand, senior executives at the ministry continue to live posh lives, with most said to be running multiple personal construction projects with stolen cash.
You wonder why none of these stories appears in mainstream media?
Well, the moneyed cartel of thugs has pocketed most mainstream journalists and editors with fat brown envelopes and flimsy appointments into various committees at the Sports Ministry.
Ever since they were awarded these favours, all scandals relating to the ministry have been swept under the carpet.