Twitter has suspended Lagaless.
Lagaless was a Twitter account whose owner consistently posted messages that highlighted the level of rot in the intellectual property space in Kenya.
In his posts, Lagaless showcased the thefts of Intellectual Property cases in Kenya. The most covered were those to do with the Telco monopoly Safaricom.
He accused Safaricom of engaging in sideshows against the youth of Kenya, stealing intellectual property and other ideas submitted to the Telco by the youth and not compensating them.
Twitter has been targeting some users whom it feels are a threat to its revenue base in Kenya.
Less than 5 Kenyan companies are consistent with their advertising on the social media platform.
These companies, ‘the big 5’, have constantly petitioned Twitter to suspend active accounts that deal in hashtags so that they can have their way.

Full of bots
Twitter is quick to suspend real accounts, yet its user base is full of robots.
The revelation that Twitter has a lot of bots, as its user base, came to light after Billionaire Elon Musk tried to buy the company.
Two days ago, Sky News reported that Mr Musk wants a discount on his Sh5 trillion bid for the company if 25 per cent of users are bots.
Responding to the suggestion that “if 25% of the users are bots then the Twitter acquisition deal should cost 25% less” he wrote: “Absolutely.”
Mr Musk recently said the acquisition was temporarily on hold as he wanted to confirm the company’s own figures that accounts not operated by real humans represented less than 5% of users.
Kenya has less than 500,000 active monthly users on Twitter as compared to Facebook that has over 7 Million active monthly users.